Non-fiction Books

Essays And The Challenge Delegation in the Summer of 1968

Parker Hudson's Blog Posts

Time To Simplify

Everything has become way too complicated.  I understand it will usually be that way in science, engineering, and technology, but I’m focused here on our personal lives and on national programs and policies. Instead of adding amendments, clarifications and exemptions...

Dream Or Nightmare?

This is a bit of an unusual post for me. As always, I want it to be informative and filled with truth. But this post begins with a dream. I dreamed that a year ago both of the self-centered old men finally got out of the Presidential race to become the Elder Statesmen...

It’s The Policies

Can we agree that both parties are offering candidates with some less-than-perfect personality traits, and that both parties have lied on numerous occasions? If that’s the case, then how does one decide how to vote in November? I suggest by looking beyond the...


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