Novels and Short Stories

Truth wrapped in fiction has the power to engage the reader’s mind, heart, and spirit. So it has the power to transform.

 Order of Books

1) On The Edge 2) The President 3) Enemy In The Room 4) Nation On The Edge

While each novel has its own stand-alone story threads, and they can be read in any order, several key characters do repeat across all four books.

In Nation On The Edge, most of the characters from On The Edge repeat, only they are twenty-five years older.

Reviews of Parker Hudson’s Novels

  • This book took reading to a whole new level of enjoyment. The author not only captured you into the story with the way he wrote the book, but he also wrote the book in a way that when you finished it and put the book down the story never lets you go. It's truly a life changing book. To not read this book is a choice to be blind, for it will truly open your eyes to see a great deal of truth.

    Joseph C. Smith, an Amazon Review

  • This is by far the best book I have ever read in my life, literally. This book in some ways changed my life and I purchased this copy for a friend. This is a Christian book, but surprisingly contains very graphic details of real-life situations of sin, temptation, and other struggles. It moves you and reminds you how our choices affect us and those that we care about…truly amazing

    Staci, an Amazon Review

  • I have long sought to find someone who can express what I feel in writing. This author did just that. The president's State of the Union address is exactly my line of thinking, expressed in a manner I have heretofore been unable to get into writing. Great book. I borrowed it for free and liked it so much that I bought it. Recommended, but not for youngsters.

    MominTandyland, an Amazon Review

  • This was the most powerful book I have ever read. While it is fiction, it sends a message that projects hope but also has a basic core which can generate questions as well as introspection and values evaluation.

    Murrvet, an Amazon Review

  • I couldn’t put it down! The possible end..was like a literal punch in the stomach. I’ve never had a book make me feel like that..the wind is knocked out of you, you can’t breathe, unbelievable. I learned so much from this book.

    Bran, an Amazon Review

Parker Hudson’s Blog Posts


I like to focus on discerning the truth from the noise and the lies, and on this blog I relate those findings, hopefully with a fresh and unexpected perspective.  I’ve been posting since 2010; I hope that you will sample some of the threads, and pass them to others.  And please also subscribe, using the red button in the right column on any blog page, to receive posts and newsletters in the future.

Time To Simplify

Everything has become way too complicated.  I understand it will usually be that way in science, engineering, and technology, but I’m focused here on our personal lives and on national programs and policies. Instead of adding amendments, clarifications and exemptions...

Dream Or Nightmare?

This is a bit of an unusual post for me. As always, I want it to be informative and filled with truth. But this post begins with a dream. I dreamed that a year ago both of the self-centered old men finally got out of the Presidential race to become the Elder Statesmen...

It’s The Policies

Can we agree that both parties are offering candidates with some less-than-perfect personality traits, and that both parties have lied on numerous occasions? If that’s the case, then how does one decide how to vote in November? I suggest by looking beyond the...

Three Decades, Four Novels and Ten Short Stories: Selected Reader Comments from Amazon

“Hudson is a master storyteller, and his subject matter is compelling, to say the least. This book managed to hold my attention, entertain me, and scare me half to death, all at the same time!”

“Best book I’ve read in a long time!”

“I cried, I laughed, and I have been greatly encouraged”

“Parker Hudson’s latest book helped me make sense of what is going on today in our beloved country.”

“You will be encouraged to pray without ceasing for your loved ones, your friends, strangers, and those who govern us.”

“This was the most powerful book I have ever read.”

“I am 15% in and cannot force myself to read another word of this garbage. One more mistake to permanently remove from my Kindle.”

“This is probably the 15th time I have read this book! I gave my life to the Lord after reading it and I still get emotional every time.”

“Best book, other than the Bible, I have ever read. Found it was very hard to put down…and I shed a lot of tears.”

“I couldn’t put it down! Then the possible end was like a literal punch in the stomach. I’ve never had a book make me feel like that. The wind is knocked out of you, you can’t breathe, unbelievable. I learned so much from this book. This is definitely a life changer.”

“This should be required reading for all teenagers. Excellent at showing how listening to the wrong voice can change your life. Highly recommend.”

“This is the only book I’ve ever hurled against a wall. And it felt so good, I did it again. I found the writing cumbersome and extremely preachy and judgmental.”

“This is by far the best book I have ever read in my life, literally.”

“I loved this book. I bought my best friend a copy because I’m not loaning mine out!”

“Read. This. Book. Read it! There is truth in the pages of this book that leap into the heart of the reader. You will not be disappointed. You will be changed.”

“Builds my faith. Believable. At first I was not buying in, but after 15 pages, I couldn’t stop reading.”

“I found this book disturbing, unsettling, hitting way too close to home…but ultimately life-changing.”

“This is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read.”

“I’ve read this book three times and have learned more about out country, our history, and my God every time.”

“I only read about 10% of this book. I gave up on it fairly quickly because there are just too many really good books out there to waste time on this one.”

“After reading this book, I was on my hands and knees, asking Jesus into my heart. This was a well-written, page turner book that gave a realistic approach to show how and why God is so important.”

“I see myself reading this again, which is rare for me. I can’t believe more people do not know about this book. Highly recommend. Gives such hope!

“Laborious. Wordy, too much detail.”

“It took me a long time to read this novel. I had to calm down between reading times. Very realistic and heartfelt. I felt like I was right there in the story, feeling everything right along with the characters. I even cried with them!”

“It reads like it was taken from today’s headlines.”

“I appreciated the way it demonstrated how our lives can change in a moment based on the decisions we make.”
“I loved this book! I thought I was reading what is actually happening today.”

“One of the best books I’ve ever read. Unusual style. If you like Peretti’s This Present Darkness, you will love this!”

“I am not a reader, but I found myself crying, upset, scared, overjoyed. What a wonderful text. I cannot wait to share it with my husband.”

“Brilliant! I found myself crying & praising God!! This is truly a must read.”

“Parker Hudson is an amazing author whose books deal with real life issues presented in a way that really helps the reader put things into perspective.”

“Loved this book and was another great read from this author. Have tried all of his books and have enjoyed them all.”

“For an old man that calls it a night at 9pm, this book kept me up until after midnight, cause I simply could not put it down!”

“This book is spiritually encouraging, terribly exciting and very meaningful. It is also very pertinent to our times.”

“Absolutely the best novel on the battle that rages all around us in unseen places. On par with John Grisham for writing style, Frank Peretti for spiritual depth, and Stephen King for suspense.”

“The words leapt off the pages and punched you right in the gut.”

“Good, good book. The characters are very believable & the story is very full of Truth. You know these people. They live in your town.”

“Amazing, riveting, life changing.”

“I love Parker Hudson’s books!!! Hurry up and write another one!!!

“Here’s something you need to understand when reading Parker Hudson. He’s going to give you the truth. And whether you’re ready or not, the stories he tells always seem to be a possible headline for tomorrow’s news…He’s not ashamed of the messages he delivers. You might not appreciate everything he throws at you, but you can guarantee that you won’t be lied to.”

“Most awesome book I have read in a long time.”

“I hate to be negative toward a fellow Christian, but this book was a yawn for me…too many different story lines going at one time, the characters just seemed so generic, and their dialog was unrealistic…”

“Hudson’s writing style is reminiscent of Frank Peretti. But, in my opinion, Hudson is not in the same league.”

“It could have been so much more, but the writing is just OK, not excellent.” 35

“A silly, simplistic book about a complicated situation.”

“Fabulous story! Couldn’t put it down.”

“I read this book when first released many years ago and even with my poor memory I remember it well. It has been in my small group of ‘must read’ books ever since. I’ve given a copy of it to many who I know are in great need of its wisdom. Don’t pass this one up.”

“Intolerant, hatred fueling racist propaganda. Author has a very narrow view of the world & clearly not willing on broadening his horizons.”

“Completely taken by surprise. Complex and well-developed characters without getting bogged down in descriptions. Greatly executed and believable. His writing moves the stories at a fast pace. I found them difficult to put down. Worth anyone’s time. He has written four books. All of them are spell-binding.”

“Characters are unrealistic and unlikeable. Implausible plot. Blatant Christian promotion. It’s too easy a cop out to walk away from personal responsibility.”

“I have been a mentor in the Radical Mentoring program for men that is sweeping across the country for five years, and we have used this book with our groups repeatedly. I can’t recommend it more highly.”

“Not one to read political thrillers I took a chance on this one and absolutely could not put it down! The story plot was way too real…Woven throughout were elements of Christian religion and needing to have faith in God.”

“I can’t think of anything positive to say about this novel. ‘Christian’ writing at its very worst. There are a few decent novels out there pushing the Christian view of reality, but this isn’t one of them. Poorly written and boring.”

“If you want to be inspired or have an awakening to the lies you have been told and believed, then read this book.”

“Parker Hudson writes with a wonderful sensitivity to make people THINK.”

“Stupid religious theme. Supernatural nonsense. Requires someone to leave their brains at the door.”

“Ideas like those in books like this limit us, prevent peace, and inhibit the spread of grace.”

“I found it very difficult to put the book down, and by the end of the book, I was in tears. I haven’t been this emotionally invested in a book in a very long time.”

“His understanding of personal relationships at work and between family members is astounding and authentic. The drama in this book is so real I asked myself more than once ‘Is this fiction?’ An incredible story about society today capturing children, teenagers, marriages and careers. Excellent!”

“Wow! I’m still reeling from the power of this book—it’s a must read. Parker Hudson has a way of captivating one with intrigue while making you think. This tops my reads for this year, and I will be handing out copies of this book to family and friends.”

“This book took reading to a whole new level of enjoyment. When you finished it and put the book down, the story never lets you go. It’s truly a life changing book.”

“We read this book in our men’s group. I have a hard time putting into words the effect this book has had on the men in our group. Some have shared deeply personal stories they otherwise would not have. Some have started praying with their wives. We’ve discussed the great issues of our times as portrayed in the story. I strongly recommend it.”

“I am about to start my reading of this book for the fourth time.”

“Thank you for allowing God to use you in every facet in this book to touch my heart. I recommend this book very highly.”

“Hudson’s book is a rare jewel for fans of Frank Peretti.”

“Honestly, I just loved this book. At times, it was tough to read because it was so realistic—and sometimes, real life is hard to take. But I was transformed by reading this. My own prayer life changed. The way I view my life in relation to those around me changed, too! Maybe while being entertained, your life can be transformed, too!

“I loved this book! I thought it painted an amazing picture of how individuals affect people around them by their choices, actions, words and prayers. I have chosen this book for my book club, and I think our discussion will be dynamic and interesting!”

“Well done, Mr. Hudson, for having some guts! We need more people like you.”

“The plot is riveting in the best style of Tome Clancy, and the characters are complex and full, you feel like you know them. If I made only one recommendation this year I would say READ THIS BOOK!”

“This book is one of the best I’ve ever read.”

“This book is absolutely amazing. God has truly gifted the author in being able to relate to the soul, and I will forever be appreciative of His gift through Parker Hudson.”

“I love this book! It changed the way I see everything—the way I look at people, circumstances, problems, reality…everything! If you are looking for something to shake up your world, read this book! It is just so real.”

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