Christian Fiction with an Edge

Terrorists with a nuclear bomb in the U.S.  Abortion used to sell baby parts. Virtual reality sex education.  Political pressure on the military. Written two decades ago, this novel reads like today’s newspapers, and its message is even more relevant today.

“This is by far THE best novel I have read in my life. Not only is it powerful, but downright convicting.” –Kathleen Smith, Reviews From The Heart

The President is a fast-paced, suspenseful thriller with a Christian worldview. Follow fictional President William Harrison as he makes a decision that changes his life and the lives of every man, woman and child in America. The President is packed with all the essentials of a successful political novel: terrorism, blackmail, and competing political agendas. This is a story that mirrors real life situations and keeps you guessing to the very end.

501 pages, Edge Press.

ibook Kobo-Button

Praise for President – A Novel of National Redemption

As I read the last chapter of On The Edge, I found my heart so full of the Holy Spirit that I thought I would explode. When I closed the book for the last time, I realized that I was crying….I cannot tell you how this book has changed my life and my husband’s.

Lori Wells

I read this book two decades ago. And although there have been many great Christian fiction books over the years (and I have read hundreds of them) The President in my opinion still tops the list.

Gary Lee Coleman

Parker Hudson’s Blog Posts


This post has two parts: The Big Picture, and then Application. I’m a slow learner. I finally had an epiphany about what specifically bothers me so much about DEI—Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I’m a huge fan of Diversity. It’s one of our nation’s greatest...

Unsustainable National Debt

Several months ago this post began as research for what I hope will be a fifth novel. The action in that story will take place in the near future, when the negative effects of a National Debt “death spiral” begin to impact everyday families and businesses. I wish the...

Substack and Seeking Truth

This post has two audiences. For those who’ve known my writing for a while, I’m simply adding my mostly-monthly blog posts to a new platform: Substack, which has enhanced capabilities for organizing and communicating. If you don’t know me, I very much enjoy writing...


  1. Sherry Hancock

    It is also my very favorite book ever! I have three ours for Christmas gifts ! I have bought two other books of this author, one of who ch I’m currently reading and cannot put down!

    • Robin

      Thank you, good to know!

  2. Theresa Moran

    I would love to read all of these Books

  3. George K. John

    I’ve read THE PRESIDENT several times now and I’m hit in the head and the heart each time I’ve read it. This book needs to be made into a movie now!! I truly believe this story needs a big budget and an even bigger actor to play William Harrison.

  4. Lynda Lofton

    This is by far one of the best books I have ever read, and I read a lot! We have it in our church library and I am surprised that so few people have read it!

    • Parker Hudson

      Thank you, Linda. I hope that you enjoy the other novels and short stories as well. Your words are very encouraging. All the best.

      • Pat

        I hope this is available on my Nook.

        • Parker Hudson

          You should find it there. Enjoy!

    • Parker Hudson

      Helen, either at one of the onlne retailers noted in the buttons above, or ordered at any bookstore through Ingram Spark distributors. Thank you. Enjoy!

  5. Patty Varnado

    I read this book and loved it. All of his books are great.


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 Order of Books

1) On The Edge 2) The President 3) Enemy In The Room 4) Nation On The Edge

While each novel has its own stand-alone story threads, and they can be read in any order, several key characters do repeat across all four books.

In Nation On The Edge, most of the characters from On The Edge repeat, only they are twenty-five years older.