Nation On The Edge | Spiritual War For The Souls Of The Nation
Dark forces are set to destroy America and all forms of personal freedom. A young cyber expert must overcome his spiritual doubts, and his government’s commands, to save the nation.
“Parker Hudson scores again as Nation on the Edge paints a portrait of the demonic influence that is trying to take over our individual lives and our nation. Parker’s storytelling creates a visual imprint that will pull at your emotions, and you will not put the book down. I highly recommend Nation On The Edge to anyone who loves thrillers and political intrigue.” – Scot Sinnen

Praise for Nation On The Edge – Spiritual War For The Souls Of The Nation.
Nation On the Edge deals with our country, our culture, spiritual warfare, and the effort to preserve America’s Godly founding principles. It portrays good and evil in a gripping and realistic way. Simply a must read in today’s times.
The plot of Nation on Edge is eerily realistic and plausible in today’s world. Evil is around every corner, but true Christian goodness also abounds. Parker is a great storyteller, and this is his best book.
Parker’s done it again! He’s captured the essence of spiritual warfare. You will be encouraged to pray without ceasing for your loved ones, your friends, strangers and those who govern us, as the war for our souls unfolds.
The characters, events and dialogue not only taught me important lessons but also gave me example after example how to live a kinder and gentler Christian life, while still speaking and sharing the Gospel message with love and patience.
Spiritual Warfare and The Family: Some Thoughts for Husbands
Let’s take a break from the current political fracas and consider a subject which will be with us until long after the next election: Spiritual Warfare and the Family.
First, let me stipulate that I know there are some troubled families that are seriously dysfunctional with abuse or addiction, and/or where no father is present. Those situations are important to address, but they require skills and interventions which are beyond the scope of this post. My focus here is calling attention to the spiritual battles in which every family is engaged.
Spiritual Warfare
This month’s post is written primarily to believers. It will make little sense to others, and even believers don’t typically spend much time focused on Spiritual Warfare, which is exactly what Satan wants, and makes his destructive mission much easier.
Satan particularly hates believers because we will spend eternity where he began but can never return: in Heaven with God. He does everything he can to lie and to confuse, insuring that as few people as possible accept Christ’s free gift of salvation. Despite his lies, if someone nevertheless becomes a believer, Satan then does all he can to make that person feel ineffective in telling others.
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Order of Books
1) On The Edge 2) The President 3) Enemy In The Room 4) Nation On The Edge
While each novel has its own stand-alone story threads, and they can be read in any order, several key characters do repeat across all four books.
In Nation On The Edge, most of the characters from On The Edge repeat, only they are twenty-five years older.
Mr. Hudson- thank you for your novels. I have read On the Edge several times over the years and I had been a cautionary reminder of the spiritual war we are in and the importance of our actions as husbands and fathers. I am recently finishing Nation on the Edge and the story is so relevant to our current condition in America.
On question that I have for you is regarding the near constant references to consuming alcohol by most of the characters, including the believers. I do not think that drinking is a sin, but I do believe that consumption is unwise and can lead to sin for many. Without any consequences of all the drinking, I fear that your novel glamorizes drinking in a way that could cause believers to stumble.
I hope this does not sound too critical- I just felt the need to share my feeling with you. Again thank you for your books. God bless you.
There are people who do not see the world as you see it. If they leave you alone why don’t u mind your own business?
Hi, I’m not a Pastor or belong to any particular religion that I can put a name to. I’m a believer that God is our Father and I’m sure both your sons know Jesus must have known of Gods’ plan to save us all who believed. Remember, Jesus asked God why He had forsaken Him on the cross at the very end ? Even Knowing full well for all of His adult life what the mission was and that His belief and trust in His Father was unshakeable before his birth. Now knowing that and the all that evil, physical and spiritually being heaped upon him as a mortal to endure and return as living proof eternal. It’s the art of evil to try to dissuade us. The more we allow it to cause us to faulter God is there to pick us up and carry us. Like walking on a beach and God says, “I’m with you, ” and we reply, ” but I see only one set of footprints Father?” “Yes my child, that’s when I’m carrying you.”
You see, God will never give us a task He knows we cannot finish.
Your sons will know the power of the fear of God so their fear of God is their weapon in the spiritual war they have taken on. They will never be alone. Amen
By altering words of God or Jesus spoke in our holy book has taken away from our shield and arms evil to manipulate the Truth.
Are your books in a series or stand alone?
Glenda, each is a stand alone novel, but many of the characters repeat. The Order of the Books is now listed on the Books page, starting with “On The Edge.” Enjoy!
Both of my sons are pastors and have really been through alot. They keep relying on God and keep serving but have been under attack for several years. Please pray for pastors and their families
We are in serious spiritual warfare.