On The Edge | A Novel of Spiritual Warfare
Now Read By Over 25,000 Fans Of Christian Fiction
Richard Sullivan has a problem. His average American family is on the edge of ruin and they don’t even realize it. The Sullivans are struggling through everyday life with a dark power over them so strong that they cannot find their way — a power that is filling their minds with voices of greed, hate, pride and temptation. And now the very fabric of their lives is unraveling before their eyes. If only they would listen a little harder to the other voice trying to get through to them — the voice of hope, forgiveness and love — before it’s too late. 398 pages, Edge Press.
“I couldn’t put it down! The possible end was like a literal punch in the stomach. I’ve never had a book make me feel like that.the wind is knocked out of you, you can’t breathe, unbelievable. I learned so much from this book.”
Bran, an Amazon Review
“This is by far the best book I have ever read in my life, literally. This book in some ways changed my life and I purchased this copy for a friend. This is a Christian book, but surprisingly contains very graphic details of real-life situations of sin, temptation, and other struggles. It moves you and reminds you how our choices affect us and those that we care about…truly amazing.”
“On The Edge is a rare jewel for fans of Frank Peretti. Not since This Present Darkness, have I come across such an in-depth work exposing the spiritual forces and invisible battle we all must face.” – John L. Owens

Praise for On The Edge – A Novel of Spiritual Warfare
I have never read a better book on spiritual warfare than On The Edge. I have passed this book on to many people. Gave it to a guy in prison and he passed it around to other inmates. Amazing! Love you Parker Hudson for having the spiritual insight to write this book.
As I read the last chapter of On The Edge, I found my heart so full of the Holy Spirit that I thought I would explode. When I closed the book for the last time, I realized that I was crying….I cannot tell you how this book has changed my life and my husband’s.
I just finished On the Edge. Wow, where do I start! I liked the first part of the book which was dark and suspenseful. Then the rest of the book shows how so many lives affect so many people for good or for bad. This book makes you want to be the good. Its a hard book to put down. Life lessons and God’s answer to our trials and blunders are all in there. The ending was perfect. You won’t be disappointed. I’m still sitting here processing the whole book. It will make you think about your life and what kind of relationship you have with God. And this books will make you crave for more of God! Don’t miss this blessing! Read it!!!
Spiritual Warfare and The Family: Some Thoughts for Husbands
Let’s take a break from the current political fracas and consider a subject which will be with us until long after the next election: Spiritual Warfare and the Family.
First, let me stipulate that I know there are some troubled families that are seriously dysfunctional with abuse or addiction, and/or where no father is present. Those situations are important to address, but they require skills and interventions which are beyond the scope of this post. My focus here is calling attention to the spiritual battles in which every family is engaged.
Spiritual Warfare
This month’s post is written primarily to believers. It will make little sense to others, and even believers don’t typically spend much time focused on Spiritual Warfare, which is exactly what Satan wants, and makes his destructive mission much easier.
Satan particularly hates believers because we will spend eternity where he began but can never return: in Heaven with God. He does everything he can to lie and to confuse, insuring that as few people as possible accept Christ’s free gift of salvation. Despite his lies, if someone nevertheless becomes a believer, Satan then does all he can to make that person feel ineffective in telling others.
What Spiritual Warfare have you faced?
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Order of Books
1) On The Edge 2) The President 3) Enemy In The Room 4) Nation On The Edge
While each novel has its own stand-alone story threads, and they can be read in any order, several key characters do repeat across all four books.
In Nation On The Edge, most of the characters from On The Edge repeat, only they are twenty-five years older.
And now the AI (Artificial Intelligence) audio version!! All of the aforementioned comments of On The Edge are spot on. I read it several years ago and was impacted for life! I am so thankful that it is available on audio. I listen frequently to audio books and was overjoyed that the AI version did not present a noticeable difference from the books that I have with human narrators. I actually had to go back to see if my books were narrated by a person or if they were an AI version because the speaking voice so closely simulated that of a person. If you’re an audio listener, or know someone that just doesn’t have the time or “space” to sit and read, audio makes that “on my way to….” time soooo productive. This one won’t disappoint.
Our church ladies group is starting a book club style meeting, beginning with this powerful book. Do you have discussion questions that could be used for “On the Edge”? Thank you and God bless you!
Barbara, I do not. BUT, I will be glad to have a Zoom meeting with your group after you finish reading it. Just send an email to parker@parkerhudson.com, and we’ll set it up. Even more powerful is to have each member of your group give a copy of the book to someone she’s been praying for, ask her to read it, and use the “hook” of a Zoom meeting with the author over coffee or lunch to encourage them to finish. We’ve had some powerful discussions! Enjoy. Thank you, and all the best.
Mr. Hudson,
I cannot thank you enough for stepping out in faith and begin the new adventure of writing. I like MANY others have been changed by your gift.
MANY years ago, I purchased On the Edge at Sam’s Club. It sat unopened on my bedside tables shelf for a year or two. However, GOD had me open it at HIS perfect time! I was struggling with finding a home church, even though I worked at a church. I was lost and VERY much alone. But when I read your book, I was convicted to seek HIM out more than ever. It was then that I turned my life around!
I found a church that was speaking GOD’S TRUTH, worshipping HIM, evangelizing to the lost, and who embraced me and other lost ones without judgement. Several years later I agreed to join the staff after I had turned them down several times. Those years hold such dear memories for me and I must give you some of the credit.
Your writing is absolutely life-changing! ALL can relate to the stories you welcome us in to. YOU are the ONLY author that I remember by name, because I am ALWAYS searching for new books of yours! And I have had a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke that causes me to have problems recalling things. But your books and name will always be with me.
Please continue to bless us with your gift, when you are not busy spoiling your grandkids and family. And I want to thank you for your years of service to our country. I have such respect for those who are serving, have served and their sacrificing families.
May GOD continue to bless you and your family. You certainly have a special wife, who willingly supported your passion for writing. Please thank her as well for me.
I look forward to reading more of your incredible works!
Jennifer, your words leave me very humbled and almost speechless. He used an imperfect real estate guy, a sinner saved by grace, to write a first novel in four months which thirty years later is still touching hearts and minds. Only He can do that. And hopefully the fourth novel, still in progress, will bring the key story threads and characters from the others together. Please pray with me that the finished product will only honor Him. Again, thank you. All the best.
Hello, I noticed the cover has been updated from the original. Has the content been updated or is it still the same? Thank you.
The covers were updated for the 25th anniversary of On The Edge, but the content is the same. Blessings.
WOW! What a Life changing book!!! Thank you Parker Hudson! I read this book many years ago and it affected me more than any book I’ve ever read other than the BIBLE. I shared my copy with my teaching colleague and it had the same affect on her. She and I became closer and held each accountable for our prayer life. This one book opened my eyes to the reality of spiritual warfare and those fighting as unseen intercessors for us humans. The book also increased the importance of my prayer life!
Jane, a Comment like yours gives this very imperfect real estate guy goosebumps. Only He could orchestrate that outcome! THANK YOU for your words of encouragement. Blessings. Working now on Novel #4, to bring them all together. All teh best.
Jane, THANK YOU. Your kind words are a great encouragement as I work on the fourth novel, hoping to tie together the key ideas and characters in the first three. may God bless you and your colleague. All the best.
After reading the comments I am challenged to read this book. I pray its on Kindle.
It is on Kindle, Muriel. I hope that the story touches your heart and your mind. All the best.
Is the price of the book on the edge in American dollars
Mr. Hudson.
I have recommended “On The Edge” to my FB friends. I have one friend who would love to read it but cannot due to her failing eyesight. I was dismayed to find out it is not available on the Audible site. Do you have plans to make your books available for those who can no longer physically read.
Thank you, Joyce for your encouraging words. I really appreciate them. The issue of creating an audio version is tough because for a book of this length the upfront cost is quite high, AND there is every indication that very soon there will be more than passable audio versions “read” by Artificial Intelligence, sounding like a person, not a computer. In the near future there may be two audio versions to choose from: AI created, or “premium”, read by an narrator. I would like to see how that plays out. In the meantime, if your friend has minimal vision, she can try the e-pub version of the book and then increase the font size to Ultra Large as she reads it. If you would like to discuss more, please send a note to parker@parkerhudson.com. Thank you again. All the best.
I just finished this book. It’s been a long time since I read a book that effected me so profoundly. It opened my eyes to the heavenly realm as they haven’t been since I studied the book of Daniel. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs to refresh their faith and a visit from the Holy Spirit to put passion back in your heart!
Wow, what a powerful couple of stories… just finished reading in Kindle.
Theres some gritty, hardhitting stuff in there, so be warned for younger readers, however the major comparatives between the two and the differences due to one decision by one man are beyond belief… unless you do.
Thankyou Parker Hudson. I pray this novel will help light some big fires in many people.
I once worked for a newspaper, and off my own bat, just prior to leaving for a new job, signed up a dozen or more brand new customers to sponsor a “Good News Page”… on a quiet weekday with usually low advertising.
I presented the whole setup with potential advertisers on my last day to the marketing and editorial staff.
The editorial head honchos rejected it saying they could never get enough good news to fill a page.
Now in NZ, we have laws allowing abortion to full term. At concerts, people can get their illegal drugs tested for quality before they take them or dont take them (to prevent people dying from ‘unclean’ variants).
Our country was once known as Godzone or God’s Own… now the Christian’s are a remnant.
God bless
I am going to find this book as I am an avid reader and this kind of realization makes me cry while I read. I claim “the Holy Trinity” as my passion!
Amen, would like to get the Book