My usual schedule is to post an essay near the end of each month, but the events of the past few days have intervened for this first month of 2021.
First, let me stipulate several important points:
- I am a conservative, a veteran, husband, father, grandfather and imperfect follower of Jesus Christ.
- I detest most Progressive policies as being the wrong solution for any given problem; they are usually both unworkable and destructive to those at which they are directed.
- I imagine that I agree with President Trump on most major policy issues. Not all, but most.
- In several posts before the 2016 and 2020 elections I noted the nearly impossible choice between bad policies and bad behavior. I gambled on behavior both times, hoping that a grown man could control how he acts, and believing that the other side’s bad policies were worse.
- As a “deplorable” who clings to his guns and Bible, I totally understand why so many millions of us were and are fed up with virtually everything coming out of DC, pushed by the government, high tech, and media elites who try very hard to rule us for their own benefit.
- President Trump and his team accomplished some great, even extraordinary things for our nation. Economic rebound and unprecedented growth, much needed deregulation in all sectors, finally confronting China and Iran over their bad acting, concrete moves towards Mideast peace, conservative judicial appointments, the first Covid vaccines in record time. The list goes on, and is good.
- I believe that Liberal Progressives and their media/high tech enablers never accepted the legitimacy of President Trump, worked constantly for four
years to undermine him, and learned how to “poke the bear” to get the reaction they wanted. And that through their actions the 2020 election was not held on a level playing field. It was clearly tilted heavily toward Joe Biden, whose only qualification seems to be that he is alive and available as a placeholder for those to follow him.
All that being said, I do not believe that the election was stolen in the sense of tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots, or electronic manipulation, simply because I have never seen proof of either. I was of course disappointed with the November Presidential result, while encouraged by most down-ballot results.
Now here is the tragedy, in which I take no joy, because the impact will undermine most of the good things accomplished over the last four years, which is awful, and did not have to happen.
I believe that Donald Trump lost in November because of his own terrible behavior and self-absorption. At the first debate he showed up as a fifth-grade playground bully and instantly turned off many voters who might have supported him. Joe Biden might have self-destructed that night on his own, but he never got the chance to do so because Trump constantly interrupted him. And the campaign went mostly downhill from there.
I live in Georgia, which Trump lost by less than 12,000 votes. Meanwhile, over 62,000 people voted for the Libertarian candidate, then also voted down-ballot, probably for Republicans. All Trump had to do to win was NOT turn off a mere 20% of those voters by his self-centered behavior and mean statements about almost everyone, including those who had loyally served him.
As I posted after the election in November, I believed that if Republicans could hold the Senate in Georgia, which certainly seemed probable, all could be reasonably well for the nation. But it was not to be.
Most of us learn in our late teens or early adulthood that things don’t always work out our way, and that our attitude towards those setbacks is what defines character. Somehow I fear that Donald Trump missed that lesson. And the one about just because someone else does something wrong doesn’t give you the right to do the same. Instead, you should rise above their behavior and keep to the high moral ground, because eventually truth and good judgment will win out.
Which leads me to ask a question: What if all the same events, attacks and allegations of the last four years had happened to someone with humility, grace, identifiable principles, and a sense of humor? I think we’d all be in a much better place.
Trump, as he often says about himself, is certainly an “amazing” leader. By vehemently attacking Republican leaders, suggesting that the Georgia Secretary of State should “find” 11,780 votes for him, and focusing the Georgia run-off back on himself, he managed to elect two Socialist Senators from the State of Georgia and to flip the U.S. Senate to the Progressives. Amazing! No one imagined in November that such an outcome was possible, but he did it.
And then he held out vague, false hopes that somehow Congress was going to save his election, which would actually be a Constitutional impossibility and a death knell for our democracy. On January 6th, he encouraged his followers at a large rally to take their grievances directly to the U.S. Capitol, where Congress was in joint session to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution he had sworn to defend and protect. They unlawfully engaged in a riot to occupy the Capitol, the joint session was disrupted, and America looked for all the world like another banana republic, not the Bastion of Democracy.
In short, Trump incited an insurrection, and, by the way, seriously attacked and undermined a good man who has served him faithfully through thick and thin: his own Vice President, Mike Pence.
In the last six weeks, and particularly at that rally, Trump not only undid the good things he accomplished, but also selfishly betrayed his most loyal followers. Despite what he and his children may think and say at rallies, he, Donald Trump, is not the nation. Nor the government. He is one man who lost an election mostly through his own inability to control his own behavior. A personal tragedy, but not the end of our nation, which is founded on the Rule of Law, not men.
I, and I hope most conservatives, are done with this self-centered, destructive, dangerous man. If he had months left in office, I would say that it’s time for Vice President Pence and the other leaders around Trump to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, and remove him. Today.
But with less than two weeks to go and the need for an orderly transition—and to save us from the kind of theatrics which is the opposite of what the nation needs now—I hope that instead Trump will agree to stay out of the way, quietly, and let Pence and the rest of his Administration’s leaders honorably run out the clock. A relatively simple and painless bridge to his departure.
Then inaugurate Joe Biden, remake the Republican party, clean up the worst problems with the 2020 election, and try again to push back against the ever-rising tide of bad Progressive policies.
But not with Trump. He is the worst kind of loser: a sore loser.
Imagine a Republican leader with humility, grace, clear principles, great communication skills, and a sense of humor. There must be one or more out there. Let’s find him, her or them and get behind them. Quickly.
I didn’t vote for Trump for his personality. I voted for him because he is a business man, not a politician. And knows how to run a nation. He’s not money hungry . he makes sure we don’t depend on other countries for our livelihood. He protects us from illegals . I don’t like his attitude at times, but he’s not evil, like the left is. And you know what their beliefs are with their sweet smiles and attitude. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. I love your books , and I’m surprised you can’t see what’s going on at the White House. Evil. Just evil. They believe in transgender rights. Homosexual rights. Abortion. Murdering babies and using their body parts. Trump lifted God up. Biden is a puppet on a string. Wait and see what happens when he dies.God have mercy on the USA
Jean, yes, that is the tragedy I’ve written about for a couple of years in these posts. It culminated at the Capitol and in Georgia in early January–he could not control his self-centered personal behavior for even a couple of months, and the result is a Progressive juggernaut. I do see what is going on. I do, indeed. Thank you.
I am sorry to say it, but I think we Republicans have let this happen, and we have let our beloved country down. Parker, your criticism of Trump is clearly directed at his behavior. To me, it sounds like you are saying that you wish he would have done a better job at masking the evil and self-obsession that lurks within him so that the public would not as easily have picked up on what a monster, what a deranged, dangerous individual, we Republicans managed to put into power in 2016. You are wishing he had disguised his fascist, autocratic yearnings, his megalomaniac narcissism, his complete lack of anything approaching charity or empathy for others … so that he could have retained power. You are okay with his immorality if only he had done a better job at play acting as a normal human being so voters would have been successfully deceived. That’s like telling someone, “I know you are an unrepentant racist, and that’s fine, but please don’t tell racist jokes where your employer can hear you. That opens you up to being fired.” The bottom line is, both our party and most of our churches today are awash in racism and greed, and, deep down, we all know it. Most Christians today couldn’t give you a cogent explanation of Matthew 25 if you had a gun to their head. Because feeding the poor, caring for the sick, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, visiting the prisoner … those concepts that Jesus tried to teach us… are now ridiculed as “socialism“ and “progressivism.“… while tax cuts for the wealthy, punishment of the refugee, and general disdain for those less fortunate than ourselves, are the hallmarks of modern Christianity. How far we have fallen to end up where we sit today. I for one am proud of my home state of Georgia for repudiating him in the November election as well as in the two senatorial campaigns. At least our state took a stand for good over evil I am ashamed of myself for not doing more to stop him when I could, and I am ashamed of each of you for refusing, even now, to unreservedly condemn this destructive, evil man … I suppose on account of his having lured you into somehow believing that you will be financially better off with him than without him. Shame on us all.
Excellent analysis, Mr. Hudson. It is right on point. Now, all we have to do is survive at least two years of Biden/Harris and hope against hope that Washington D.C. is not transformed into a state–otherwise, Republicans may never regain control of the Senate.
I agree with most of what you have said, but shouldn’t we add a sense of honor, great integrity, and devoted patriot to our search for a Republican as well as a Democrat president? Why did the Democrats pick a bumbling, incompetent, who will be a puppet for Harris, Obama, Pelosi, and no telling whom else?
Parker, I am also in alignment with nearly all of Trumps policies and what was accomplished on his watch; however, I totally agree with your assessment of his self-destructive behavior.
I’m concerned that during the next 4 years, we may very well see the United States cross the boundaries from a free, capitalist nation under God to a socialist, globalist nation that hates its past and destroys its history, along with its future. The wonderful hymn “God Bless America” may be just one among many casualties.
Very well done
Thank you, dear Mr Hudson !
Well done, Parker. I have said that he did it to himself…and keeps doing it to himself and to the nation. I also agree that the 25th should be invoked for his last 12 days to prevent him from inflicting more damage to the country. Also, he will probably pardon himself, at least for Federal crimes.
Pence has been steady under fire, as have the 3 Supreme Court justices he appointed. If Trump had been more caring of John McCain’s widow and of Latinos and Blacks, he could have easily won re-election.
He did it to himself.
Thank you for a great article. Well thought out and written. I am afraid as he did do this to himself and the country. It goes deeper. It’s evil that is moving among us. We’re more divided then ever, we will not listen to one another, we won’t think of what we see and ask ourselves is that me? Evil has stirred everyone hearts and minds….I will effect this person and put in the mind of another about him and create discontent. God has removed his hand slightly from us for a reason and covid was meant to make us stop and recognize our idols of the entertainment industry, sports,, jobs, our worship, we can’t agree and anything and we have multiple Churches on one street. We’re divided, we’re angry, we see socialism marching in, we can’t keep fighting these things with our self, ideas and beliefs. Our weapons are not of flesh and blood. We need to turn back. Stop our talking, look inward and ask….what are YOU saying to us? Isreal finally came to that point, many times.
His name is Mitt Romney….well done Parker…I agree with your remarks 100%
Thank you for your graceful and godly response to the recent chaos. As someone I admire said, Jesus is not coming to take sides , He is coming to take over in His timing.
Well said!
Good luck!
A beautiful , concise, well thought out chronicle of events and beautifully organized into the truth and facts that happened. It gave me a scintilla of peace from this wretched 24 hours by putting into words what I thought and felt but couldn’t express. Well done
Well said Parker. I have tried very hard for four years to stand with him because he has accomplished so many great things. Many are ones that no one else has ever been able to do, but he can be so self centered, selfish and disrespectful of others. For so long I was convinced that there was massive fraud, but like you said, where is the evidence. I’m sure some election fraud can be found. In every election there will be some of that. Would it have been enough to turn the election? We’ll probably never know. With all this said, I agree that it’s time to move on, put the Republican Party together with positive ideas that would be good for the country and find a candidate that we can be proud of. That person might not accomplish as much, but that’s okay. I’d rather have a President that we can all look up to and not be scared of what they might say next. God bless my friend and take care.
After careful consideration over new events and reflecting on my deep rooted personal feelings, I am changing my stance from my comments previously made. I do see this President as a good man and leader that has been sent to us from God to fulfill a great mission so massive that it is beyond anyones imagination. I am proud of him not just for his accomplishments, but because he loves this country and has the God given will to defend it. I believe in him and stand firm with him just as I believe in Jesus and stand firm with Him as our Savior. President Trump has been treated so unfairly and has battled the opposition from all angles is a big reason he has to Tweet so much to get his intended message to the people. I feel better now that I have reconsidered my comments. I may be totally wrong, but I’ll take that chance and very soon time will tell. God bless this great land!
George, I understand. There is no joy in anything I have written about his personal behavior over the last four years. As I wrote in this post, he accomplished many extraordinary policy wins and was terribly mistreated by the opposition and the media. That’s what makes his self-absorption such a tragedy: He could have done so much more for our nation if he could have controlled his seemingly constant need to put others down and to congratulate himself. Terrible for him and for our nation. Let’s find someone to get behind with many of the same abilities and drive, but also with humility and grace. He or she has to be out there.
Agree with some and disagree with some. He’s like an old Aggie construction boss. He has been an overwhelmingly effective President and one who has driven the sleazy liberals absolutely bonkers. Many people see in him whatever they want to see. His drive to protect Americans from new wars has been commendable to the max, as well as his drive to get a vaccine on the boards, which Dems would have delayed at least four years so they could “not let a crisis go to waste.” My concern is who that wonderful person is that you describe. It’s not Mitt Romney. Pence needs to be more forceful. Nobody else comes close, except Ted Cruz or Mike Huckaby to the “ideal person” you describe. It is not the whiny Lindsay Graham. Some say the leader will emerge. He/she never did between Reagan and Trump. My imagination as to whom the next leader might be is limited right now. Is anyone capable of learning from this experience to emerge. They need to emerge in the next six months, or it will be too late for the mid-terms in two years. All I can see from the Dems is sleaziness and extreme disgust or outright disloyalty to the idea of America. But, Georgia’s governor and SecState were especially disgusting and made me think they took either a powder or a pay-off from the Dems. They gave off “tells” every time they were interviewed that they had done something grievously wrong. Does Trump need to tone it down a notch or two? Yes, but he is head and shoulders above other world leaders on good days and not as bad as others on even a bad day. Time will tell, but it cannot take much time to see an alternative emerge. His numbers are still holding with his base. The question is how to enlarge his base. Biden and Harris may do that job for him, who knows? Texas expects nothing more and nothing less than woe, despair and deep misery from the Democrats.
I agree with John Stone’s characterization and as much as I understand all the angst about President Trump’s behavior patterns, I think it more appropriate to be extremely grateful for what he accomplished, not only with policy matters —domestic and foreign, but for how he was able to stand up to all the attacks that began before even taking office. My own perspective of Donald Trump has shifted considerably from where it was back in 2015 and I can only thank God for putting him in office for such a time as He did. How else can anyone explain it happening. Sure, it could have ended a whole lot better and I certainly wish that it did on so many fronts. That said, I realize everyone commenting no doubt gets their news and information from a variety of sources and to a huge extent that impacts our impressions. I wish I knew more of the real truth about what has gone on and is going on and I also wish I knew Donald Trump on a personal basis, but I don’t. Those who do, however, like his family and those who have a valid current relationship, seem to have a lot of good things to say. Hence, I am tempering my own assessment of why he has handled things the way he did. I’m praying that some of the hoped for “ideal persons” will in fact emerge and recognize God’s call on their lives and have the courage and boldness to speak the truth and carry it out in God’s power just like the “William Harrison” of Parker’s novel, “The President”. I just finished reading it and cannot stop thinking about the what if’s in our present circumstances and with the culture the way it is. Lots of food for thought in that marvelous book and I will be encouraging others to read it as well and then to dialogue with me about their own take-aways. Thanks also Parker for your other books—I recently read “Enemy in the Room” and will soon begin the others — you have a new enthusiastic reader of your books and your blog! Thanks for how you instill Godly thinking with your writing — keep it up!!