I don’t have an erudite solution to a pithy issue this month. I really don’t even want to look for one. Perhaps like you right now, I find myself pulled down by events and headlines.

The world is unhinged, and the headlines are not good.

Evil seems to be on the rise. And not just bad actions, like the terrible revelations of sexual abuse by trusted leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention. No, Evil associated with human beings choosing to kill other human beings. Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, with his Army out of control, executing civilians in the streets. In America, we kill on average two unborn babies every minute, 24/7/365. And a teenager just slaughtered nineteen little children in a Texas school, along with their teachers.

As these headlines swirl in a perfect storm of bad news, after praying about it, I’ve focused on a short truth from God’s Word—not a headline, but much better: God’s eternal Truth.

Psalm 46:10.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Be still…and know that I am God.

Even with the crashing cacophony of the storm around me, God says to be still and remember that He is God, that He is in control, and, by the way, that He has blessed me and us in ways that we must never allow ourselves to forget, even when the storm is overhead and the wind is howling.

Be still and know.

His blessings? First and foremost, the very best, foundational Good News is that by faith in Jesus, we are saved to spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Take a minute, really be still, and consider that gift, that blessing. In a profound way, what else really matters?

And then He has blessed us in so many other ways:

His Church. And the church we attend, its teaching and ministries. And our relationships with the people there.

Our family, and our children, and their promise for the future.

This nation and our freedoms, like no other nation. Secured, we remember this Memorial Day, by the ultimate sacrifice of so many who gave their lives to allow us to live in freedom.

Our Homes and Communities, and those relationship and opportunities to tell others about our faith.

God’s Truth: It may not be as noisy as the stormy headlines, but their noise will pass, while His quiet but all powerful Truth will always prevail. Always.

So I ask the Holy Spirit to remind me, to remind us, that when the bad headlines swirl, to be still and remember that no matter how it may seem, God is in control, and His Truth will always win over Evil, and He will be exalted.

My final thought this month: God’s Word says that He will be exalted, but it doesn’t say by whom. My prayer is that He will empower and guide me, guide us, to be those who are doing the exalting. Let His truth touch others through our lips and through our actions.

Because, after being still and remembering, it’s then our action of exalting Him before others that can transform any situation or any relationship, no matter how difficult.

God, remind us to be still and know; and then empower us to act and to exalt You in everything that we do and say.


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