This is a bit of an unusual post for me. As always, I want it to be informative and filled with truth. But this post begins with a dream.

I dreamed that a year ago both of the self-centered old men finally got out of the Presidential race to become the Elder Statesmen of their respective parties. They were then able to share advice and to weigh in with opinions, while letting the next generation of potential leaders battle it out in the primaries to define the best ideas and the best talent to be each party’s Presidential candidate.

I dreamed that through that competitive process we wound up with Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris as the two candidates.  One is a former Governor from South Carolina and Ambassador to the United Nations. The other is a former prosecutor from California and U.S. Senator.

The issue of a female President would then immediately be off the table. And both candidates have recent overseas ancestors.

In my dream, the two candidates would now be discussing and debating issues and policies that will impact all of us every day, rather than each other’s looks, laughs, worthiness or history. What a dream!


Either way, imagine a debate stage with them on it, describing where they stand on these key topics, so that everyone can hear and digest how their ideas and policies will impact us, without all the other noise and over-the-top drama.

By the way, I realize that using ChatGPT4 as my research assistant is limiting, because its “training” ended in August, 2023, and therefore it will not pick up any newer quotes. But for this specific purpose, I think that’s a good problem, because I’m more interested in what they’ve thought and said over a longer period, not just in the heat of the current moment.

On the U.S. National Debt

Kamala Harris: “We need to invest in our country’s future—whether it’s through infrastructure, healthcare, or education—but we also must be mindful of the impact on our national debt. It’s about striking a balance between making critical investments and ensuring long-term economic stability.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Speech during a discussion on fiscal policy, October 2020, New York Times interview].

Nikki Haley: “The national debt is a threat to our national security. We cannot keep spending money we don’t have. It’s time for Washington to stop kicking the can down the road and start addressing this crisis head-on.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), February 2023, Washington Post].

On Illegal Immigration

Kamala Harris: “We have to understand the root causes of migration, including violence and poverty in Central America, and address them directly. Atthe same time, we must ensure that our immigration system is fair and humane, protecting the dignity and rights of all people.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Press conference on immigration policy, March 2021, CNN].

Nikki Haley: “A country without borders is not a country. We need to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. It’s about protecting American sovereignty and the safety of our citizens.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Campaign event speech, June 2022, Fox News].


On Crime in America

Kamala Harris: “We need to reform our criminal justice system to ensure that it is fair and just for all, while also keeping our communities safe. This means addressing issues like racial bias, mass incarceration, and the need for rehabilitation over punitive measures.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Town hall event, April 2021, ABC News].

Nikki Haley: “Law and order are the foundation of a safe and prosperous society. We must support our law enforcement officers and ensure that criminals face the consequences of their actions. We cannot let crime run rampant in our communities.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech at a law enforcement conference, March 2023, The Hill].

On Price Controls

Kamala Harris: “We must ensure that essential goods and services remain accessible and affordable for all Americans, especially during times of crisis. This may require temporary measures to prevent price gouging and ensure that corporations do not take advantage of vulnerable consumers.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Speech on consumer protection, May 2021, NBC News].

Nikki Haley: “Price controls are a short-sighted solution that ultimately hurt consumers and the economy. The free market, not the government, should determine prices. When the government interferes, it distorts the market, leading to shortages and inefficiencies.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Economic policy speech, November 2022, Forbes].

On Equality vs. Equity

Kamala Harris: “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. Equality suggests everyone should get the same, but equity recognizes that not everyone starts from the same place, and so you must take into account those disparities.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Videomessage on equity, July 2020, Washington Post].

Nikki Haley: “Equality of opportunity is what America stands for. We should not be dividing people into groups and giving them different outcomes based on their race, gender, or background. Everyone should have the same chance to succeed, and it’s up to each individual to make the most of it.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech on American values, September 2021, Wall Street Journal].

On the Causes of Inflation

Kamala Harris: “Inflation has been driven by a variety of factors, including global supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic, and in some cases, corporations taking advantage of this situation to raise prices unfairly. We need to tackle these challenges head-on while continuing to support working families.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Public statement on inflation, February 2022, Reuters].

Nikki Haley: “The runaway inflation we’re seeing today is a direct result of the trillions of dollars in government spending and the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policies. You can’t print trillions of dollars and expect it not to have consequences.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Economic roundtable, January 2023, Bloomberg].



On the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan

Kamala Harris: “We knew there were significant challenges within the Afghan government and military, including corruption and a lack of cohesion, but the speed of the Taliban’s takeover was faster than anticipated. We mthe speed of the Taliban’s takeover was faster than anticipated. We must also rust also recognize the impact of the previous administration’s agreement with the Taliban, which left the Afghan government in a weakened position.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Interview on Afghanistan, August 2021, NBC News].

Nikki Haley: “The Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan created a power vacuum that the Taliban quickly filled. By pulling out without a clear plan, we left our Afghan allies to fend for themselves and handed the country over to the Taliban on a silver platter.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Statement following Kabul’s fall, August 2021, Fox News].

On Tariffs

Kamala Harris: “Tariffs are a blunt instrument that can often do more harm than good, particularly for American consumers and businesses. We need a trade policy that works for everyone, not just one that punishes our allies and raises prices for our families.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Campaign speech on economic policy, July 2019, Politico].

Nikki Haley: “Tariffs should be used as a tool of last resort, not as a primary trade policy. They can be effective in forcing countries like China to play by the rules, but we must be careful not to hurt our own economy in the process.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Statement during her tenure as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, September 2018, Financial Times].

On Abortion

Kamala Harris: “For nearly 50 years, women have had the constitutional right to make decisions about their own bodies, including the right to choose an abortion. We must protect that right and ensure that every woman has access to the healthcare she needs, without government interference.” —Kamala Harris, [Source: Speech on reproductive rights, June 2021, New York Times].

Nikki Haley: “I am unapologetically pro-life. Every life is precious and must be protected. We must work to end abortion in this country, and that means supporting women and families so they don’t feel like abortion is their only option.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Pro-life event speech, April 2022, National Review].

On Government Regulations

Kamala Harris: “Government regulation is essential to protecting the rights and safety of the American people. Whether it’s ensuring clean air and water, protecting consumers from predatory practices, or guaranteeing safe working conditions, we need strong regulations that hold corporations accountable.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Speech on economic policy, October 2020, NPR].

Nikki Haley: “Excessive government regulation is a drag on our economy and a barrier to innovation. We need to cut red tape and let businesses thrive, creating jobs and opportunities for all Americans. The government should be a facilitator, not a barrier to success.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech on economic freedom, November 2018, Wall Street Journal].

On Defunding the Police

Kamala Harris: “I do not believe that you should defund the police. But we must reimagine public safety. That means looking at how we allocate resources, understanding that we need to invest in communities, in schools, in affordable housing, and in mental health treatment.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Interview on public safety, July 2020, PBS NewsHour].

Nikki Haley: “Defunding the police is dangerous and irresponsible. It puts our communities at risk and takes away the resources that law enforcement officers need to keep us safe. We should be supporting our police, not undermining them.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Public appearance on law enforcement, May 2021, Fox News].

On Energy Policy

Kamala Harris: “We need to transition to clean energy as quickly as possible. This means investing in renewable energy, creating millions of new jobs in green technologies, and ensuring that our country leads the world in addressing the climate crisis.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Speech on climate change, October 2020, The Guardian].

Nikki Haley: “Energy independence is crucial for our economy and national security. We need an all-of-the-above approach that includes fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables. We should be proud of our energy industry and support policies that allow it to thrive. Fracking has revolutionized our energy sector, created jobs, and made America energy independent. We should continue to support responsible fracking that benefits our economy and national security.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech on energy policy, March 2019, CNBC].

On Student Debt Loan Forgiveness

Kamala Harris: “Student loan debt is crushing millions of Americans, preventing them from buying homes, starting businesses, and building wealth. We need to cancel student debt for low- and middle-income borrowers and provide relief to those who need it most.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Campaign speech on economic justice, July 2020, Politico].

Nikki Haley: “Forgiving student loans might sound nice, but it’s unfair to the millions of Americans who have worked hard to pay off their debt. We should focus on making college more affordable, not just wiping away debt at the expense of taxpayers.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Interview on Fox News, May 2022].

On Transgender Participants in Women’s Sports

Kamala Harris: “Everyone deserves the right to participate in sports, and that includes transgender individuals. We must ensure that all people, regardless of their gender identity, have equal opportunities to participate in sports and that we protect the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.” — Kamala Harris, [Source: Statement during a Human Rights Campaign event, June 2021, New York Times].

Nikki Haley: “Allowing biological boys to compete in girls’ sports is fundamentally unfair. It disadvantages girls and takes away their opportunities to succeed. We need to protect the integrity of women’s sports and ensure that competition remains fair.” — Nikki Haley, [Source: Speech at a conservative policy event, April 2022, The Washington Post].

Reading these statements confirmed that I could not possibly vote for Kamala Harris over Nikki Haley. Four more years of open borders, lost children, gang crime, 12 million unknowns, out-of-control spending on anything and everything, shoveling money to relatively well-off EV buyers and college graduates, choking regulations and a crazy, elitist energy policy that damages the economy without impacting the climate, not even touching on international issues, will virtually cripple our country.

So this dream reinforced my earlier support for Nikki Haley, whom I find to be intelligent, balanced, quietly strong, conservative, and unafraid to take on tough issues, like our National Debt.

But there the dream ends, and the reality today is that it’s not Haley vs. Harris, but instead it’s Trump vs. Harris. What to do now?

Donald Trump is not stupid, but he is so filled with himself that he repeatedly does things that can only be called stupid.

I live in Georgia. It’s clear that Republicans lost control of the U.S. Senate because of Donald Trump’s constant meddling in the election and runoffs here. The Republican Senate candidates were loyal to him but were otherwise second rate, at best. And then he told Georgia Republicans that their votes might not count, and so they didn’t vote. Brilliant!

Now he’s back, less than 80 days before the 2024 election, again blasting our very popular Republican Governor, Brian Kemp, a man of great integrity, for not helping him secure the 2020 election he still repeats that he won here.

Is he crazy? Does he want to lose both the House and the Senate? I’m not some wild Never Trumper or Squad Member. I’m a conservative/libertarian who is simply calling balls and strikes in this important swing state. And Trump just continues to say stupid things that will hurt conservative chances. Why?

On the other side, think about this brain twister. The Democratic Elite were so afraid of a Bernie Sanders progressive nomination in 2020 that they pumped Joe Biden full of air, kept him in a basement, and by mercilessly slandering and attacking Donald Trump at every turn, they won. But their party has been so overtaken by progressives (Is there not a single Pro-Life Democrat left anywhere?) that the same Elite has now tossed out old Joe for the even-more-progressive-than-Bernie Kamala Harris. Go figure.

So which less-than-perfect candidate am I to support? Someone who has no original ideas of her own and will be another puppet of the faceless Progressive Elite, or someone whose ideas start and stop with himself? It’s not a dream—it’s a nightmare.

Looking for an answer, and focusing on Policies, which are bigger than any person, as discussed in last month’s post, I went back to the internet and asked for Donald Trump’s statements on the same fourteen issues.

On the U.S. National Debt

The debt is out of control, but you have to have a strong military, you have to have strong defense, you have to take care of your country. We’re going to cut taxes, we’re going to grow the economy, and that’s going to solve the problem.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Interview with The Washington Post, March 2016].

On Illegal Immigration

“We need to build a wall, folks. We need to build a wall to stop the drugs, to stop the criminals, and to protect our country. We have to have strongborders. Without borders, we don’t have a country.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Campaign rally speech, August 2015, CNN].

On Crime in America

We have to get tough on crime, and we have to give our police the power to do their job. We need to stop the violence in our cities, stop the looting, and stop the rioting. Law and order must be restored.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech at the Republican National Convention, August 2020].

On Price Controls

I’m not a fan of price controls, but I do believe that we need to make sure that Americans are protected from unfair pricing practices, especially in times of national emergencies.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Interview with Fox Business, April 2020].

On Equality vs. Equity

We believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. Everyone should have the chance to succeed, but it’s up to them to make the most of it. Government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech at the Economic Club of New York, November 2019].

On the Causes of Inflation

“Inflation is a result of the massive spending by the Democrats and their failed policies. They are printing money and handing it out like candy, and it’s driving up prices for everything.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Rally speech, July 2022, Fox News].

On the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan

“The withdrawal was a disaster. Biden did not follow the plan that we had in place. We would have gotten out with dignity, strength, and respect. What happened was a total surrender to the Taliban, and it never should have happened.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Interview on Fox News, August 2021].

On Tariffs

Tariffs are one of the greatest negotiating tools we have. They’ve brought billions of dollars into our Treasury and have helped protect American jobs and industries from unfair foreign competition. If countries like China want to continue taking advantage of us, they will pay a price.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech at a campaign rally, August 2019, CNBC].

On Abortion

I am pro-life, and I will always fight for the unborn. I’ve appointed judges who will uphold the sanctity of life, and we are working to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in our society.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech at the March for Life, January 2020, CNN].

On Government Regulations

“For every new regulation, we have eliminated eight old regulations. We are cutting red tape and unleashing the full potential of American business. Our goal is to create a regulatory environment that promotes job creation, economic growth, and innovation.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech on regulatory reform, December 2017, White House].

On Defunding the Police

“The radical left wants to defund and dismantle our police. We need to stand with our law enforcement officers and give them the support they need to keep our communities safe. Defunding the police would lead to chaos and lawlessness.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech at the Republican National Convention, August 2020, Fox News].

On Energy Policy

Energy independence is within our grasp, and we will continue to develop our oil, natural gas, and coal resources to power our economy and secure our future. We are rolling back regulations that stifle American energy production and putting America first.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech on energy policy, June 2017, White House].

On Student Debt Loan Forgiveness

We need to make it easier for students to pay off their loans, but just canceling debt is not the answer. We should focus on getting students into good-paying jobs so they can pay back their loans, and we need to hold colleges accountable for the cost of tuition.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Speech on education reform, September 2019, CNBC].

On Transgender Participants in Women’s Sports

It’s ridiculous and unfair to allow biological males to compete in women’s sports. It’s destroying women’s sports, and we must put an end to it. We need to protect our girls and women in sports.” — Donald Trump, [Source: Rally speech, June 2021, Fox News].

Given the similarities in his positions to those of Nikki Haley, I’m left with the following.

I don’t want to vote for another second-rate puppet of the Progressive Elite, because I believe their policies will undermine our individual liberties and our economy, add to our debt and inflation, and make us much weaker, both at home and abroad.

The conservative press often states that Kamala Harris has no policies. That’s not correct. She and the Democrats clearly have very specific progressive policies. See Chuck Schumer this weekChuck Schumer outlines 2025 agenda if Democrats sweep, eying filibuster changes ( just don’t want us to focus on them until after they are elected, while for now we hold hands and sing “Kum Ba Ya” together.

By the way, if she and her team do see problems that desperately need her few stated solutions, then for the last three and a half years she either must have helped create the problems, or not solved them while occupying the White House. Either way, why would anyone want four more years of that kind of ineptitude?

But I also don’t want to vote for Donald Trump’s self-focused personality and lack of general morality.

However, looking at his previous policy statements and governing track record, with which I largely though not totally agree, and the wall of advisors which will be around him, plus the limits imposed on any President by the Congress and the Judiciary, not to mention a clearly hostile press, I am far less concerned about any “threat to Democracy” that he might pose compared to the “We’re here from the Government to help you feel better” juggernaut which the Democrats employ to increase their mostly harmful control over every aspect of our lives.

With that perspective, Trump seems to be the much lesser problem of these two undesirable candidates. And much more likely to enact policies that will point us back towards freer markets, less spending, more personal responsibility and more common sense.

What do you think we should do? If you have constructive input to advance this discussion, please share it in a Comment. If you have only vitriol, please keep it to yourself. I look forward to reviewing your thoughts.

And I will keep dreaming for unselfish statesmen/stateswomen candidates representing both parties in 2026 and beyond, focused on ideas and policies that will make our nation better and stronger.

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