It’s amazing how important worldview can be. Take the secular vs. the Judeo-Christian view of bad behavior and unfairly advancing self, family or friends. The secular worldview, if it were honest, would not criticize such selfish behavior, because if we are just...
How is the U.S. to be a Christian Nation?
As noted in previous posts, there are several facets to the U.S. being a Christian nation, and here I want to focus on how the U.S. should be Christian nation. I ask the question: at the beginning of the twenty-first century, how should we live? The same way as the...
How Public Policy Can Affect Almost Everything
For those of you who have studied F. A. Hayek for years, my recent epiphany (see earlier post) must seem almost laughable. Like a music historian who, after forty years in the field, suddenly discovers Tchaikovsky. Though written almost seventy years ago, The Road to...
Advice to current Economic Policy Makers: Take a Hayek
Where has F.A. Hayek been all my life? Thanks to our sons, I'm reading The Road to Serfdom, written by Hayek when he was at the LSE in 1944. Hundreds of thousands of copies have been read since then, but even though I was an Econ major in 1968, somehow I missed his...