At a recent Ken Boa Bible Study, we discussed Ezra 5-7 and Nehemiah, which detail the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, along with the city itself, at the end of the Babylonian Exile from 521 to 435 BC. There are many interesting truths in these passages, but...
Thin Threads
We all occasionally reflect on the larger decisions we’ve made, and on how those choices have impacted us. Like where we decided to go to school, our first and subsequent career moves, and whom to marry. Today, at age seventy-five, I want to reflect on the decisions...
Racist Purgatory or Personal Redemption?
Critical Race Theory is a lie at war with Christian faith because of its belief in permanent cycles of conflict and oppression. There is no hope for anything better. According to CRT, every white person is always a racist and an oppressor, even if she or he admits the...
Pray and Work for Those Whom We Love
Many aspects of this post will not be easy to read—they’re not easy to write. I’m working on a fourth novel, set in D.C., with angels and demons which are visible to the reader, though not to the characters in the story, similar to my first novel, On The Edge. This...
October 2020
The Elections, the Virus, and the Violence--the three big issues (so far) in this unusual year--have taken up a lot of time and ink. I focused on each one in recent months, and, after re-reading those earlier posts, I don't have much to add. Here are those links: Term...
Faith Isn’t Deplorable
I want to try to answer the question which I think vexes some people who know me or others like me: How can a relatively intelligent, traveled, thoughtful person be a Deplorable, clinging to my guns and my Bible? Or put another way, how can someone with a postgraduate...
Is Death The End?
When you reach a certain age there’s a lot of planning to do, and because the choices narrow down, the focus on consequences becomes more important. At thirty-five you can make a few mistakes, as I certainly did, and recover. At seventy, while you still may have...
Should I Model Jesus or Darwin?
As many of you know, I recently spent several days in London with a group of wonderful Believers who are originally from Nigeria, at an event for Joshua's Army. We were joined by a pastor from Lagos, Nigeria, and by a pastor in the Nigerian community in London, both...
Practical Thoughts On Our Next Step
This Saturday I spent the first part of the day on two unrelated but connected events. In the morning I assisted my talented wife as she visited several Estate Sales on their second days, looking for bargains from the belongings of those who moved to a different...