Liberal Progressive Policies

A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future

A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future

If you are looking for the perfect gift for anyone who wants to understand the Economics behind all that is going on today, from the fiscal cliff to Greece, I have it. Henry Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson in 1946, then updated in 1978.  It reads like today’s news, because it is filled with economic truth, not political or editorial wishful thinking. You can read quickly through its 210 pages, or you can feast on each paragraph. It is that well written, and easy for anyone to understand,...

Post Election Thoughts

Looking forward from the November election, I have these thoughts, by category. Spiritual It’s hard to imagine a better summary than Randy Alcorn’s article in his Eternal Perspectives Ministries current newsletter.  He reminds us that we "vote" every day by our choices and our actions.  And that as important as America is, there is an eternal perspective that is even more important. National Economics How can we not have...

How Progressives Kill Jobs, Part 2.

Imagine you are the CEO of a large U.S.-based company with operations in several countries.  You have to decide whether to keep your company and many of its high-paying jobs in the U.S. in 2013, or move overseas.  The move, along with reducing, would also reduce tax revenue for our local, state and federal governments.You have a lot to consider, but one key issue is the level of taxes that your company must pay.  Even if your company retains its home address in the U.S.for another...

How Progressives Kill Jobs. You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.

In this and the next post we will examine two specific ways that our Progressive government destroys jobs by making our businesses more costly than their international competitors.  Those added costs reduce profits, thereby decreasing investment and crippling new job creation. Of course when they kill jobs, they also diminish tax revenue for our local, state and federal governments. Every U.S. public company which reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission must now implement a new...

The Greecehopper and the Ants

For those of a certain age, this Disney video will be familiar. Please give it a watch. For an individual, household, city, or sovereign nation, it really is not much more complicated than this. With so much practical good sense in the world, from at least the time of Aesop (who was, ironically, a Greek, writing 2,600 years ago), where have we gone wrong?  Are we not teaching? Or not learning? And what if there were no ants?  See Joseph Shattan’s...

The President’s Credit Rating

The President is out on the campaign trail taking credit for the late, slow, economic recovery that we are finally experiencing. It’s like a delivery room doctor claiming that without him or her, there could be no baby. In fact, to add some extra hyperbole, it’s even worse.  Given the President’s steady prescriptions of contraception by regulation, all night binges of spending, and threatened abortion by add-on taxation, it’s a miracle that there is a baby at all. Is it possible that we’re...


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