President Obama has recently said that he wants to grow our economy from the “Bottom Up”. But exactly what does he mean, and how does that work? I suppose that he could be promoting the Keynesian saw of giving free money to people who don’t pay income taxes at the...
Political Class
2020 Vision: How to Fix the Next Ten Years in Ten Steps: Step Ten
10. Enact term limits for the House and Senate of three consecutive terms, to eliminate the current tendency toward a permanent political class which is out of touch with the rest of the nation.
2020 Vision: How to Fix the Next Ten Years in Ten Steps: Step Seven
7. Within six months perform a cost-benefit analysis on every federal department which has been created in the last fifty years, like Education, Environmental Protection, etc. The goal should be to prove why the department’s budget should not be cut in 2012 by at...
2020 Vision: How to Fix the Next Ten Years in Ten Steps: Step Four
4. For 2011, every branch and department of government at every level, except Defense, will have to get by on ten percent less income, including salaries. Let the government’s skilled managers decide how to accomplish this reduction in each department at every level;...