When the Law is Wrong

When the Law is Wrong

I don’t want to write this post. I’ve tried to avoid it for weeks. I wish the issue described here would go away and stop bothering me. You probably won’t like it. The solutions, once we even agree that there is actually a real problem, will be complicated. I describe...
War on Drugs Causes Insanity

War on Drugs Causes Insanity

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result, our nation is clearly insane. This month’s post may initially disturb some of my conservative friends. If it does, I ask you to read through to the finish.  I am only seeking...
A 27 Year Old’s Greater Wisdom

A 27 Year Old’s Greater Wisdom

In one of God’s “thin threads” of unexpected connections, I just finished a book about an American hero whom I did not know just a few weeks ago.  And yet her life has immediate implications for my current thoughts and actions. The book is The Appalling Strangeness of...
Policies Trump in the Midterm Elections

Policies Trump in the Midterm Elections

How should we approach the upcoming mid-term elections? With a focus on today’s 24/7 headlines, or with a longer term perspective?  Are the elections, as President Trump claims, all about him, or larger issues? As a Christian conservative with strong libertarian...