One of my favorite sayings about Truth is: “Truth is simple, and delights in simple statements. It expects to make its way by its own intrinsic force, and is willing to pass for what it is worth. Error is noisy and declamatory, and hopes to succeed by substituting...
Many aspects of this post will not be easy to read—they’re not easy to write. I’m working on a fourth novel, set in D.C., with angels and demons which are visible to the reader, though not to the characters in the story, similar to my first novel, On The Edge. This...
My usual schedule is to post an essay near the end of each month, but the events of the past few days have intervened for this first month of 2021. First, let me stipulate several important points: I am a conservative, a veteran, husband, father, grandfather and...
I initially watched with alarm the process through which President-elect Biden filled his Cabinet and Executive Branch nominations. A key criterion for selection appeared to be one’s skin color, gender or sexual orientation, not experience, ability or past performance...
As most of you know, I’m a Conservative-Libertarian Christian who happens to live in the current national-focus state of Georgia. I dislike the way the Democratic Party, the Progressive Elite, The FBI/DOJ, and the Main Stream Media (MSM) hounded President Trump from...