
The Wise Don

For the past month a store at the retail center where we’ve shopped for years has displayed prominent signs stating “Going Out Business—Everything For Sale”. So yesterday I went in to say good-bye to Don, one of the employees who has frequently helped me select the right products.  Over the years we’ve occasionally discussed the state of the world, and I expected that we would commiserate on the economy, his bad luck, the lack of jobs, etc. But we didn’t.   When I asked him, Don smiled and...

Things We Like #4: Parenting By The Book

For this post, it’s really someone we like. Over the past several months we have been instructed by John Rosemond on four occasions.  He has incredibly relevant insights on parenting, which everyone should consider. John is a licensed family psychologist who calls most of what is written today about raising children “parent babble”.  He told us that our own grandmothers (and their like-minded friends) had more child-rearing wisdom than can be found in most of these books.  He then set out to...

Things We Like #3

We just returned from our third overnight trip on Amtrak, and we have enjoyed every minute of each trip. It is so relaxing to travel from city center to city center without long taxi rides, security lines, uncertain waits, weather worries, sardine seats, and no food. On Amtrak the people are friendly, the food is excellent, the accommodations are sized for real people, and the scenery is interesting. When you fly somewhere on vacation, the enjoyment doesn’t begin until you’ve surmounted the...

The Light of Christmas

The first Christmas was God’s intervention in human events with His plan for our salvation--easily the most important event in history.  The Light came into the darkness. Christmas led to Christ’s death and resurrection--the once-for-all atonement for our sins. Incredible.  It will be surpassed only by Christ’s second coming. But what would it be like today if God had not intervened, or if Christ had declined to do his Father’s will and take the place of the likes of us?  What if there were no...

Things We Like #2

On a lighter note, trying to mow down grass instead of bad ideas, we really like our Fiskars Momentum Reel Mower.  It actually cuts grass without an engine! If you have never seen or used a reel (as in fishing “reel”) mower, you’re in for a treat, so long as your yard is not gigantic, or filled with twists and turns. Using this mower, with no carbon footprint other than my own, gives me a kind of personal Separate Peace with the Greens.  It’s my own...

Things We Like #1

We really enjoy two magazines, and for the same reasons: the writing is intelligent, and the subjects are interesting. The Atlantic, founded over 150 years ago in Boston, and For a taste of the modern South, Garden & Gun. One never knows what subjects will be covered in any particular issue of either magazine.  It’s fun just to look at the cover of each edition, then flip through the pages before settling in to absorb all that is offered. The subjects are so varied and covered in such...


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