Amazing Love that Healed a Wretch Like Me

Amazing Love that Healed a Wretch Like Me

We are blessed to have five grown children who, with their spouses, shine brightly--first as people, and then in the areas where they have focused their gifts and talents. Our oldest son, Parker, is a doctor in Austin, and he has written a moving opinion piece in The...

Destruction by Identity

Destruction by Identity

A nation that fractures along identity politics boundaries is almost certainly doomed. When Lenin and Trotsky started their rebellion against the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky in St. Petersburg, Russia in November, 1917, they expected to be arrested and...

There’s a New Tariff in Town

There’s a New Tariff in Town

Veteran readers in this space will know that one of my favorite books is Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson.  See my post from 2013 entitled What We Don’t See is Killing Us for a reminder. And I will again quote several sentences from Chapter 15 which capture...

The Story after 25 Years

The Story after 25 Years

This month is the 25th Anniversary of two big personal milestones: the completion of the draft of my first novel, On The Edge, sending it to Thomas Nelson for editing, where it was published later in 1993, and writing the first pages of The President, which was...

Is Death The End?

Is Death The End?

When you reach a certain age there’s a lot of planning to do, and because the choices narrow down, the focus on consequences becomes more important.  At thirty-five you can make a few mistakes, as I certainly did, and recover.  At seventy, while you still may have...

The Creator and His Creation This Christmas

The Creator and His Creation This Christmas

Today we celebrate the most important event in history—the incarnation of the Creator of the universe as a human being; as one of us, experiencing what we experience. 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in...

Reject Passivity

Reject Passivity

This post is dedicated to Colonel Jim Harper of Men’s Fraternity, who first spoke those two words to me. I am disturbed by how we are becoming a Nation of Lemmings. You know, the little creatures who unthinkingly follow the crowd wherever it is going, even if the...

Trumped By His Personality

Trumped By His Personality

I was just in Seattle, and the rumor there is that will choose Toronto, Canada for its highly-sought after second headquarters, to poke the President in the eye for his immigration and trade policies. I hope that won't happen, but if it turns out to be...

Bringing God Back Into Everyday Conversations

Bringing God Back Into Everyday Conversations

Carmen LaBerge has written a remarkable new book, out this week, Speak the Truth: How to Bring God Back Into Everyday Conversation. The book is full of relevant and practical insights and recommendations on how to engage neighbors, colleagues and families on the...

Collision at Sea: Progressive Experiments and Human Nature

Collision at Sea: Progressive Experiments and Human Nature

I suspect that this post will make some readers angry. That's not my intent, but it's probably inevitable, because I want to ask some politically incorrect questions which no one seems to be willing to take on. This year in the Pacific Fleet there have been three...


"TEN LIES AND TEN TRUTHS" - 2nd edition. Please tell us where to send your book.

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