
The Intersection of Faith, Economics and Policy

The Intersection of Faith, Economics and Policy

I began these posts almost ten years ago in August, 2010. For the first several months I offered one or two policy recommendations under the title of 2020 Vision: How To Fix The Next Ten Years in Ten Steps. With 2020 almost upon us, I thought it would be useful and even entertaining to revisit those ten thoughts. On re-reading them I conclude that they are certainly not perfect, but most still seem reasonable, largely not yet accomplished, and generally pointed in the right directions. Several...

Trump With Prayer

Trump With Prayer

I don’t know about you, but for a long time I’ve been in a “funk” over next year’s election. All of the Progressives are in lemming-like lock-step to expand access to abortions, thereby killing more innocent Americans; and to remove the President over actions which at this point seem no worse than what I believe their own side has undertaken. Before even considering the usual election issues like immigration reform or the deficit, I simply don’t see how I can support any of them because of...

Being or Doing?

Being or Doing?

I’m writing about a struggle I have almost daily: Focusing on deepening relationships vs accomplishing tasks on my To Do List. My friend and teacher, Ken Boa notes that there are two words in Greek which we translate into English as “time.” Both are ordained and controlled by God, but they are very different. Chronos means clock time. 24 hours in each day. How we schedule and measure. What I focus on as I look at what must be accomplished according to the plans and the goals I’ve set. Kairos...

A Unique Faith Grounded Our Unique Nation. Now What?

A Unique Faith Grounded Our Unique Nation. Now What?

Have you ever thought about how the most powerful and long lasting movements and institutions are each underpinned by a religious, secular or philosophical faith foundation, believed by many to be the Truth? In fact, without that faith foundation, these institutions would not survive. Virtually every such institution has been organized with power and authority flowing from the top down. The Divine Right of Kings and the Medieval Catholic Church were often at odds, but they were organized...

What Wrestling History Can Teach Us

What Wrestling History Can Teach Us

I’ve just finished Taylor Branch’s book The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with The President. Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the King Years Trilogy, finished the book in 2009. It contains 667 pages of intimate details taken from seventy-nine secret, mostly late night interviews in the White House with President Clinton from 1993 to 2000, and after. I wish I’d read it sooner. It’s an incredible labor of love for the sake of accurate history. After each interview, as Taylor...

Three Post Updates

Three Post Updates

Here are three quick updates to earlier posts, with several hyperlinks to excellent resources. Progressives: What Does Abortion Have To Do With Economic Policy? The movie Unplanned is now available on streaming video and on DVD. Whatever your thoughts on the subject, please watch it.     Can Anyone See What China is Really Doing? Only If You Look. A good friend sent a link to an important unclassified paper on China by the U.S. Department of Defense: Assessment On U.S. Defense...

Progressives: What Does Abortion Have To Do With Economic Policy?

Progressives: What Does Abortion Have To Do With Economic Policy?

I don’t get it. If you are a Progressive and want to argue for higher taxes, Medicare for all, student debt forgiveness, wealth redistribution, even socialism, though I probably won’t agree with you, let’s talk. But when you advocate for making it as easy as possible to kill babies in their mothers’ wombs, I don’t have anything to say. You’re just wrong. Period. It feels like someone 150 years ago, even a Supreme Court Justice, arguing that enslaving another human being because of the color of...

“911 Live” Becomes “First Responders Live”

“911 Live” Becomes “First Responders Live”

In my first novel, On The Edge, written 27 years ago, there is a fictional broadcast television show called 911 Live, featuring barely filtered live shots from first responders' bodycams in ten cities across the nation. Janet Sullivan, the protagonist's wife, is an executive at a local TV station and has to decide whether her station should carry the network show, leading her to make some tough choices. Now a nearly identical version of the show is real. It's called First Responders Live and...

How President Trump Can Win One for the Nation in 2020

How President Trump Can Win One for the Nation in 2020

We seem to be headed for a repeat of 2016’s very difficult election choice in 2020, only with the contrasts even more sharply drawn. It’s no longer conjecture whether Donald Trump’s narcissism and petty treatment of others is just a passing anomaly—it’s really him. And every Democrat has moved so far to the left that any day now I expect to see late term abortion lauded as a way to save children from the depravities of Free Market Capitalism. Meanwhile, nothing gets done to address our real...

Can Anyone See What China is Really Doing? Only If You Look.

Can Anyone See What China is Really Doing? Only If You Look.

This post is not about any specific Chinese or American companies or entities, all of which I assume are filled with people of good will who genuinely wish the best for each other. Rather, it is about two completely different and possibly irreconcilable models for organizing and governing a society during a period when these models, like two huge tectonic plates, are colliding and chafing against each other across the globe. While America's leaders are mired in political name calling over...


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