When our astronauts landed on the moon in July, 1969, I was a 22 year old graduate student at London School of Economics on a one month language study in Leningrad, USSR. While our student group was there, we saw all the deprivations of the Soviet command economy, and...
Hold Back The Weapons For Now
For a conservative who believes in Rule of Law, the Ukrainian Crisis presents a choice between several bad alternatives. What Putin is doing to destabilize and potentially annex a second part of Ukraine is clearly a violation of international law, and is unacceptable...
Russian Away–One Man’s Impression in Late 2014
In the summer of 1969 at age twenty-two I attended a month-long Russian language school with other British university students, first in the center of Leningrad, and then at a “camp of organized rest” on the Finnish Gulf. We experienced the KGB-induced fear among the...
Obama and Putin: The World Deserves Better
I don’t usually engage in “what if?”, but in this case the results are so striking that I have to do so. Daniel Greenfield has written a scathing critique of Presidents Obama and Putin at frontpagemag.com. I commend his analyis and conclusions to you. Here is his...
The Russians and Us
A recent event causes me to write again about a subject which I first posted on in September, 2010: The Russians and Us. Having lived and worked in Moscow on and off for twenty-two years, last month’s end to our Cathedrals in the Kremlincompany’s five year...