If I’m a broken record on the War on Drugs, consider this post to be a 45, not a 33—it’s short, but not sweet. As I wrote last November in a detailed earlier post, the War on Drugs is pure insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different...
The Federal Government is way too big, it doesn’t always work well, it impacts us far too much, and yet it continues to grow and to get worse. Our Christian faith and our nation’s founding principles focus on individual freedoms and decisions—to choose Christ or not,...
Our nation is continuing a process of discovering past wrongs, airing them, and seeking some kind of resolution/reconciliation. In the most egregious cases where laws were actually broken, appropriate punishment is of course also required. From the Judge Kavanaugh...
To start the New Year, Tucker Carlson led off his show on January 2nd with a fifteen minute monologue that sent other pundits of all political stripes scurrying to attack or to support him. If you missed the original show, you can see it here. It is well worth...
I don’t want to write this post. I’ve tried to avoid it for weeks. I wish the issue described here would go away and stop bothering me. You probably won’t like it. The solutions, once we even agree that there is actually a real problem, will be complicated. I describe...