Background Let’s start with two irrefutable laws that always govern no matter how much wishful thinking is thrown at them: 1. Resources—labor, capital, natural resources, time–are always limited and must always be allocated in some way. Allocation by price is...
If you wonder what militant Islamists intend for Europe and the U.S., look no further than the public schools in Birmingham, England. Almost unreported here is the attempted takeover of eighteen state schools by those wishing to push the Islamist agenda, including...
Timothy Egan’s Op-Ed piece in The New York Times, of March 15, 2014, entitled “Paul Ryan’s Irish Amnesia”, tries to link 19th century English complicity in the Irish potato famine to Paul Ryan’s concerns about creating multi-generational government dependency in...
I’m beginning a series on common sense truths which are real, and which therefore have negative consequences when we ignore them or try to pretend that they don’t exist. The following is written with two assumptions in mind: The vast majority of women and men in the...
In recognition of President Obama’s State of the Union address, I’d like to share with you the very different approach of President William Harrison in my novel, The President, written almost twenty years ago. Enjoy. State of the Union Preamble ...