Continuing from my previous post: Why don't progressives/statists/elitists see these enormous problems and costs which damage most of us and say, “You know, we’ve tried this for fifty years and it hasn’t worked. Let’s at least consider something else.”? The Answer A...
Why Don’t Progressives Recognize Their Policies’ Failures and Change? Part 1 of 2
Background Let’s start with two irrefutable laws that always govern no matter how much wishful thinking is thrown at them: 1. Resources—labor, capital, natural resources, time--are always limited and must always be allocated in some way. Allocation by price is...
When the Facts Don’t Add Up, Make Up Stories and Call Them Facts
Timothy Egan’s Op-Ed piece in The New York Times, of March 15, 2014, entitled “Paul Ryan’s Irish Amnesia”, tries to link 19th century English complicity in the Irish potato famine to Paul Ryan’s concerns about creating multi-generational government dependency in...
Why Not Try Healthcare Vouchers?
The healthcare delivery and payment debacle of the previous decades, brought to a head with the passage and current dismantling of Obamacare, lead us to find an alternative that might actually work. As neither a doctor nor a politician, but as a student of economics,...
What We Don’t See is Killing Us
Henry Hazlitt was a great Economist. As I first mentioned nine months ago, Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson in 1946, then updated in 1978. It reads like today’s news, because it is filled with economic truth, not political or editorial wishful thinking. Members...
The Russians and Us
A recent event causes me to write again about a subject which I first posted on in September, 2010: The Russians and Us. Having lived and worked in Moscow on and off for twenty-two years, last month’s end to our Cathedrals in the Kremlincompany’s five year...
Facilities Fees Facilitate Big Government
Whenever Big Government and Big Business show up arm-in-arm to “help”—run. That is a small but important part of what is happening in Health Care today. Hospitals are, with funds provided exclusively to them by the government, buying up private doctors’ practices all...
A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future
If you are looking for the perfect gift for anyone who wants to understand the Economics behind all that is going on today, from the fiscal cliff to Greece, I have it. Henry Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson in 1946, then updated in 1978. It reads like today’s...
Post Election Thoughts
Looking forward from the November election, I have these thoughts, by category. Spiritual It’s hard to imagine a better summary than Randy Alcorn’s article in his Eternal Perspectives Ministries current newsletter. He reminds us that we "vote" every day by our...
How Progressives Kill Jobs, Part 2.
Imagine you are the CEO of a large U.S.-based company with operations in several countries. You have to decide whether to keep your company and many of its high-paying jobs in the U.S. in 2013, or move overseas. The move, along with reducing, would also...