
“Peace In Our Time”–With Lying, Deceitful Regimes?

“Peace In Our Time”–With Lying, Deceitful Regimes?

The First of September has always interested me.  It was on that day that World War II started.  Last year, on the 75th Anniversary of that awful moment, I wrote a special post about it. This year I am struck by how, in Europe, World War II did not start with a surprise attack, like Pearl Harbor or 9/11.  Instead, a madman running an evil regime slowly consolidated his national power while repeatedly telling the world exactly what he was going to do. But the world, and particularly his...

The Coming Persecution For Our Beliefs on Marriage

The Coming Persecution For Our Beliefs on Marriage

Note: I apologize for the unusual length of this post.  I tried to divide it into two or three parts, but I found that the key concepts work closely together and cannot be easily separated. I hope that you find the content and conclusions worth the read. We are in a constant battle with secularists who proclaim that neither God’s rules for living nor His provision for our redemption is important or relevant for modern life. This spiritual war continues, and the recent  Supreme Court ruling on...

Preparing For the Next Black Swans

Preparing For the Next Black Swans

In my previous post I described how business cycle booms and busts are the norm, not the exception. Also, surprises, accidents and disappointments will happen regularly.  We should all prepare for these national and individual Black Swans, and those of us who are followers of Christ certainly should not fear them. My goal here is to share with you some imperfect wisdom gained from sixty-eight years of living, raising five children, and surviving at least ten recessions and the subsequent...


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