The Elections, the Virus, and the Violence--the three big issues (so far) in this unusual year--have taken up a lot of time and ink. I focused on each one in recent months, and, after re-reading those earlier posts, I don't have much to add. Here are those links: Term Limit Trumps the Mob Coronavirus Perspective A Warning and ABLM My one additional thought about next week's election would be: It would be a terrible tragedy if two relatively short-term issues--the President's personality and...
Spiritual Warfare and The Family: Some Thoughts for Husbands
Let’s take a break from the current political fracas and consider a subject which will be with us until long after the next election: Spiritual Warfare and the Family. First, let me stipulate that I know there are some troubled families that are seriously dysfunctional with abuse or addiction, and/or where no father is present. Those situations are important to address, but they require skills and interventions which are beyond the scope of this post. My focus here is calling attention to the...
A Warning
This post is a warning which we should take seriously. George Floyd died on May 25th in Minneapolis. In the ensuing three months we have witnessed demonstrations, peaceful protests, violent riots, the destruction of urban centers, the rise of Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other militant groups, mob rule, corporate mea culpas for social injustice, vigilantes, and politicians stating that America is actually not the world’s greatest experiment in personal freedom but instead is the worst of...
Term Limit Trumps The Mob
As readers of this space know, I agonized over the 2016 election as a gamble between a largely unknown but troubling personality vs. policies which I believed would harm our country. I took the gamble on Trump’s personality, largely persuaded by my beliefs on abortion and his approach to rebalancing our judicial system. Now it’s 2020, and the choice is even more polarized. Are these really the best two Presidential candidates in the nation? Trump’s personality is no longer a question. He is a...
I truly believe that Black lives matter. The question I’m about to ask is not snarky or a rhetorical gimmick. It is a genuine question which I hope one or more Progressives will answer. To some--even many--people Black lives matter, unless they are about to be aborted. And then they don’t. My question is: How can this be? For the past several months we have been shown repeatedly how Black lives as a group are in worse shape than others in our nation. Black people succumb more often and with a...
Coronavirus Perspective
Note: I offer my deepest sympathy to anyone who has lost a loved one, or suffered great physical or mental hardship, during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and Lockdown. I am very sorry. This post is meant to focus on how we can best respond as a nation to the threats to our health and to our economy. It in no way seeks to diminish the pain of anyone's personal loss. I have no expertise in the areas of Infectious Disease or Healthcare Statistics, so I must rely on others who do. Here are some...
Note To Self for October
You are probably already familiar with a great quote attributed to Chuck Swindoll about Attitude, but it is worth repeating in these unusual times. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or...
Reflection and Responsibility
The Coronavirus Pandemic is a reminder that, along with terribly tragic outcomes in an increasing number of cases, this is also an incredibly blessed time in which we live--for many reasons, but particularly for recent advances in healthcare. (1) As I touched on in an earlier post, "Written In Stones", from the beginning of human existence until only eighty years ago, any of us could get a simple scratch or blister and then die from the resulting infection. There was no cure. None. That’s what...
Faith Isn’t Deplorable
I want to try to answer the question which I think vexes some people who know me or others like me: How can a relatively intelligent, traveled, thoughtful person be a Deplorable, clinging to my guns and my Bible? Or put another way, how can someone with a postgraduate education and nearly fifty years of business experience believe in the power of a relationship with his personal savior, and also be opposed to: Most ideas in the Democratic playbook, Sex outside marriage, Gay marriage, Abortion,...
Please Give Us Real and True
At age 72 I hope you don’t mind if I want to focus on what’s real and true, not on what’s false or BS. The BS is that we in the U.S. are suffering through a terrible time of oppression, inequality, dysfunction and major problems. Yes, problems exist in varying degrees, and always will. But read Steven Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now to be reminded that this is a remarkably great age for the world in general, and for the U.S. in particular, with the one exception noted in my earlier post. A...