
The Best One Thing We Can Do Right Now

The Best One Thing We Can Do Right Now

If I’m a broken record on the War on Drugs, consider this post to be a 45, not a 33—it’s short, but not sweet. As I wrote last November in a detailed earlier post, the War on Drugs is pure insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Let me stipulate once more that in a perfect world I wish there were no drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex outside marriage, smoking, pornography, or neglect of one’s family to work too many hours. And as a Believer I...

Starve The Federal Beast

Starve The Federal Beast

The Federal Government is way too big, it doesn’t always work well, it impacts us far too much, and yet it continues to grow and to get worse. Our Christian faith and our nation’s founding principles focus on individual freedoms and decisions—to choose Christ or not, to pursue a particular educational opportunity or not, to pursue a particular vocation or not, to succeed or to fail based on our own merits and decisions. But many federal laws, regulations, programs and taxes want to funnel us...

Facing Past Actions

Facing Past Actions

Our nation is continuing a process of discovering past wrongs, airing them, and seeking some kind of resolution/reconciliation. In the most egregious cases where laws were actually broken, appropriate punishment is of course also required. From the Judge Kavanaugh hearings to the ongoing allegations against powerful men (and some women) in the Me Too Movement to sexual abuse in the Catholic and Baptist Churches (and probably others) to the Virginia Governor’s Blackface/KKK picture in his...

Tucker Carlson Ignites Debate on How to Strengthen Families

Tucker Carlson Ignites Debate on How to Strengthen Families

To start the New Year, Tucker Carlson led off his show on January 2nd with a fifteen minute monologue that sent other pundits of all political stripes scurrying to attack or to support him. If you missed the original show, you can see it here. It is well worth watching, whatever your policy leanings, for the stakes he puts in the ground on several subjects. I then read critiques of Carlson by David French, Conor Friedersdor, Ross Douthat , Jim Geraghty, Kevin Williamson, Jane Coaston and Adam...

When the Law is Wrong

When the Law is Wrong

I don’t want to write this post. I’ve tried to avoid it for weeks. I wish the issue described here would go away and stop bothering me. You probably won’t like it. The solutions, once we even agree that there is actually a real problem, will be complicated. I describe one possible solution, but you’ll probably find much to criticize about it. Hopefully you’ll have a better one. The issue is racial segregation and economic theft created by explicit federal and state laws.  Not just by...

War on Drugs Causes Insanity

War on Drugs Causes Insanity

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result, our nation is clearly insane. This month’s post may initially disturb some of my conservative friends. If it does, I ask you to read through to the finish.  I am only seeking the truth. The War on Drugs is not just a failure. It is an outright cancer, an active force that is destroying individuals, families, institutions, and our culture. It has been doing so for almost fifty years. When are we going to...

A 27 Year Old’s Greater Wisdom

A 27 Year Old’s Greater Wisdom

In one of God’s “thin threads” of unexpected connections, I just finished a book about an American hero whom I did not know just a few weeks ago.  And yet her life has immediate implications for my current thoughts and actions. The book is The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God, which is the story of Ruth Pakaluk, as told by her own letters and by her husband, Michael. Ruth was born in 1957 in New Jersey. She lived for 41 years and died in 1998 of metastasized breast cancer.  Dr. Daniel...

Policies Trump in the Midterm Elections

Policies Trump in the Midterm Elections

How should we approach the upcoming mid-term elections? With a focus on today’s 24/7 headlines, or with a longer term perspective?  Are the elections, as President Trump claims, all about him, or larger issues? As a Christian conservative with strong libertarian leanings, what are my guiding principles for voting? And, by the way, I know that there is only one true Savior, and he is not any politician, party or government. The founding document for our nation, the Declaration of Independence,...

August, 1968: Fifty Years On

August, 1968: Fifty Years On

  This week in August marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of two events in the tumultuous year of 1968 which had a lasting impact on my life: The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia on August 21st, and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 26th. I had just graduated from UNC and turned 21. What follows is a personal post, using mostly my own photos. The Warsaw Pact countries invaded Prague that week because the Czech leadership had dared to give their citizens a few freedoms...

A Lehman’s Guide to the Future

A Lehman’s Guide to the Future

This post is part of my series on Black Swans and the crucial need to keep real Margin built into our lives. Upcoming is the Tenth Anniversary of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, the largest such filing in U.S. history and the trigger for the devastating Great Recession. In time for it is the publication of Laurence Ball’s new book, The Fed and Lehman Brothers. There have been many books and articles written on the Financial Crisis of 2007-2011, but Ball’s book focuses on the...


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