How Government Policy Impacts Our Lives

The Next Black Swan

The Next Black Swan

It has now been almost seven years since the world went through its last financial meltdown, or Black Swan, and from sixty-eight years of personal observation, it’s about time for another one, because they always eventually happen, no matter what the elites and the regulators promise. A good definition of a Black Swan is at “A Black Swan event is an event in human history that was unprecedented and unexpected at the point in time it occurred. However, after evaluating the...

Scouting the Future

Scouting the Future

I was rummaging around in the future and found this Boy Scouts of America policy document, distributed in 2023.  It was written for the large group of gay Boy Scout leaders who began entering the movement after the national organization ended its ban on gay leaders in 2017 .  I believe you will find the following excerpts to be interesting. The Gay Boy Scout Leader’s Manual August, 2023 Edition Provided by the Gay Action Group (GAG) of the Boy Scouts of America Selected Excerpts: Introduction...

A Better Idea For 2016: The Conservative Team That Will Win

A Better Idea For 2016: The Conservative Team That Will Win

Are you already as done with the 2016 Election Cycle as I am? Talking heads. He said-she said-he said. Attack ads. Scorched earth. All about “me”. Are we really going to spend more than a year with a large gaggle of seemingly qualified conservative leaders rearranging the deck chairs, hoping when the music stops that the last seat is theirs, while the Ship of State actually sinks and everyone else drowns in a sea of debt, low employment, lost opportunity and class warfare?  Not to mention...

The Political Class Enlists Young Recruits with Your Money

The Political Class Enlists Young Recruits with Your Money

The political class is using your tax dollars to replenish and to grow its numbers with young people who are true believers in the government’s importance. For years there have been programs to reduce a graduate’s monthly college loan payments due to income constraints, and also to forgive the educational debt all together.  There are many negative aspects to these programs, both personal and national, as has depicted by several writers, including Jeffrey Dorfman in articles in Forbes. I want...

Will We Follow Europe Into the Abyss or Pull Back?

Will We Follow Europe Into the Abyss or Pull Back?

If you were in a line of fast moving cars running in and out of fog and suddenly the fog parted and you could see that the bridge ahead had just collapsed, and that cars were falling into the deep canyon, would you continue to speed forward because you enjoy how your car accelerates, or would you stop? Imagine that each of the speeding cars is one of the world’s economies, and the precipice is the disaster which occurs when a nation runs up so much debt in paying for its profligate spending...

The Truths Behind Why I will vote for a Libertarian or a Conservative

The Truths Behind Why I will vote for a Libertarian or a Conservative

One of our children recently lamented how difficult it is in the current political climate to understand what really is "truth", since all sides seem to claim it.  He declared himself to be a post-modern when it comes to issues and candidates. That conclusion troubled me, and so I set out to find truths outside of the current political cycle which can help inform us about how we should look at issues and at candidates.  The following is the result of that process. “Truth is simple, and...

Starting 75 Years Ago Today, For The Next Six Years 27,400 People A Day Were Killed

Besides being Labor Day in the U.S., today is the 75th Anniversary of the start of World War II. Six years later, in 1945, over 60 million men, women and children had been horrifically killed by world powers, partisans, and their own governments.  That works out to 27,400 people killed every day for six years.  In a “civilized” world, and in the living memory of many today. The trigger for the start was Germany’s invasion of Poland on a trumped up border dispute.  The seeds of the war were...

The Laws of Economics Still Work in California

This short post is a thanks to KMPH-CA for its video report about "ObamaCare Having A Destructive Effect On ERs". Where was this kind of common sense reporting when the "Health Law-That-Can-Be-Anything" was first concocted? If you increase Demand for anything, like healthcare, the price will rise. But if the price is artificially capped, then Supply will not follow, and there will be shortages (the doctors), rationing (the ER’s) and a black market...

Why Don’t Progressives Recognize Their Policies’ Failures and Change? Part 2 of 2

Why Don’t Progressives Recognize Their Policies’ Failures and Change? Part 2 of 2

Continuing from my previous post: Why don't progressives/statists/elitists see these enormous problems and costs which damage most of us and say, “You know, we’ve tried this for fifty years and it hasn’t worked. Let’s at least consider something else.”? The Answer  A decade ago I had a running dialog with a secular progressive teacher at one of our children’s high schools. After several conversations, she told me that she wished the Government would tax away more of her income and give it to...

Why Don’t Progressives Recognize Their Policies’ Failures and Change? Part 1 of 2

Why Don’t Progressives Recognize Their Policies’ Failures and Change? Part 1 of 2

Background  Let’s start with two irrefutable laws that always govern no matter how much wishful thinking is thrown at them: 1. Resources—labor, capital, natural resources, time--are always limited and must always be allocated in some way.  Allocation by price is usually best because it maximizes the flow of optimum resources to the most valuable uses.  Resources can also be allocated by law, tax, gifts, rationing, or theft; but there will never be enough resources for everyone to accomplish...


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