
1968 and 2016: A Believer’s Perspectives

1968 and 2016: A Believer’s Perspectives

This is a very personal post, offering some perspectives to those who have been watching both political conventions, and who are led to worry that we live in an extraordinarily tough time. I attended the 1968 DNC in Chicago as a young, disenfranchised Challenge Delegate from Georgia, where the government was really only the Democratic Party, which, by the way, systematically disenfranchised Blacks all across the South and our state, while the Governor sold ax handles at his restaurant to...

I’m Too Smart to Follow Jesus

I’m Too Smart to Follow Jesus

Most believers have experienced friends or family members who tell them “I used to be a Christian, until I studied the Bible.” Or some variation on the “I’m too intelligent to believe in a Mesopotamian myth” theme. I heard that again this week from a wonderful, talented person. There are many robust responses to this assertion. For those who enjoy intellectual engagement, two excellent resources are Tim Keller’s The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, and Ken Boa’s I’m Glad You...

What if Goliath Had a Team?

What if Goliath Had a Team?

Do you need some encouragement? As you look around the world today, despite your faith, do the forces for evil and deception seem too strong?  On the world stage or in your personal life, do you feel almost alone in a particular battle, with only God (you pray) on your side? This month I want to remind us of a contemporary man in such a a battle, and of his unfolding victory. The content of our movies and television shows is critical for developing and sustaining our culture—for lifting it up...

A Better Idea For 2016: The Conservative Team That Will Win

A Better Idea For 2016: The Conservative Team That Will Win

Are you already as done with the 2016 Election Cycle as I am? Talking heads. He said-she said-he said. Attack ads. Scorched earth. All about “me”. Are we really going to spend more than a year with a large gaggle of seemingly qualified conservative leaders rearranging the deck chairs, hoping when the music stops that the last seat is theirs, while the Ship of State actually sinks and everyone else drowns in a sea of debt, low employment, lost opportunity and class warfare?  Not to mention...

Thoughts on 2014 Surprises

Thoughts on 2014 Surprises

Ending 2014 with five personal thoughts on events that surprised me: Shortly after Memorial Day I attended a professional breakfast on current topics in commercial real estate. There were several hundred well dressed attendees, of all ages and both genders. The MC began by mentioning Memorial Day and remembering those who had given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.  Then he asked for all of those who had served in the U.S. military to stand up to be recognized. I am used to that request...

Intentional Faith

Last week Mark Tidwell spoke at Ken Boa’s Bible Study in Atlanta.  Please, when you have forty-two minutes, watch Mark’s talk at I could write today will have the impact of Mark’s story.  And he has a powerful book, Leave A Mark. Mark emphaszied a word that has been resonating with me for some time: intentional. To me it means that we take every opportunity we are given to communicate truth.  In our writing,...

Christmas 2012

We need a Savior. Even as our family gathers this week, blessed with good health, a thriving new generation, and jobs, our joy is balanced by the ever-present reminders of evil, chaos and death. Mass murder of innocents at an elementary school.  The fiscal cliff about to force a huge increase in taxes, and add to our nation’s uncertainty.  My good friend from high school and his family struggling with the reality of disease and life’s finiteness. If God had left us on our own to cope with the...

A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future

A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future

If you are looking for the perfect gift for anyone who wants to understand the Economics behind all that is going on today, from the fiscal cliff to Greece, I have it. Henry Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson in 1946, then updated in 1978.  It reads like today’s news, because it is filled with economic truth, not political or editorial wishful thinking. You can read quickly through its 210 pages, or you can feast on each paragraph. It is that well written, and easy for anyone to understand,...

What I Wish Someone Told Me When I Graduated from College

Last week I had the great pleasure of meeting with an HonorsCollegeclass at AuburnUniversity on the topic of What I Wish Someone Told Me When I Graduated from College. The students were, as you would expect, bright, engaged and vocal. I had a list of items from my personal experience to discuss with these talented young people, and one of them was: A problem with being successful at an early age is that the smarter and more successful you are, the longer it will take you to come to the end of...


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