This month’s post is written primarily to believers. It will make little sense to others, and even believers don’t typically spend much time focused on Spiritual Warfare, which is exactly what Satan wants, and makes his destructive mission much easier. Satan particularly hates believers because we will spend eternity where he began but can never return: in Heaven with God. He does everything he can to lie and to confuse, insuring that as few people as possible accept Christ’s free gift of...
The Family Matters
Practical Thoughts On Our Next Step
This Saturday I spent the first part of the day on two unrelated but connected events. In the morning I assisted my talented wife as she visited several Estate Sales on their second days, looking for bargains from the belongings of those who moved to a different place, either to a different home or to the life beyond. And then we attended the Memorial Celebration for a mother, grandmother and thirty-year-career elementary school teacher who I’m sure left behind many physical things, but...
Time To Focus on People
Our recent elections and subsequent events have left many of us slightly exhausted but cautiously optimistic about the future of our country. Conservatives now have a HUGE responsibility to govern creatively and well, from the White House to the majority of local counties. Many of us have asked and prayed for this opportunity for years, and now it is here. We must continue to pray, even more now, for those in office and for their advisers, that God will put men and women in positions of...
In Awe of Families
We have just returned from two extended family events: our 38th year at a conference center’s Guest Period in the North Carolina mountains, and the celebration of a great aunt’s long and remarkable life in Vermont. The purpose of this short post is to extol families, and to encourage all of us to do everything we can to hold fast to every family member. Before there were tribes, governments, or churches, there were families. The family is the basic building block of every society and...
Give the Restrooms a Rest
Before reluctantly tackling this issue, let me stipulate three things. As a follower of Christ, I try to love and understand everyone, while also upholding the Truth. I believe that homosexual activity is wrong—for those who engage in it, I believe that it is a form of bondage, like having an affair or being addicted to drugs, and is much less than God intended for us. We should therefore not encourage it and should protect our children from it. And, let me be clear that I am a sinner saved by...
A Word is Sometimes Worth A Thousand Family Pictures
A parent’s words and actions—particularly those of the father—have much more impact on children than we appreciate. Everyday conversations can be life changing. The message to us as parents: Handle with thought and care, and be engaged. Elsewhere I have discussed the tragedy of absentee fathers. Here I want to remind both fathers and mothers, using simple examples, how important our words and actions are. From being a son with brothers to raising five grown children, I can attest that your...
The Coming Persecution For Our Beliefs on Marriage
Note: I apologize for the unusual length of this post. I tried to divide it into two or three parts, but I found that the key concepts work closely together and cannot be easily separated. I hope that you find the content and conclusions worth the read. We are in a constant battle with secularists who proclaim that neither God’s rules for living nor His provision for our redemption is important or relevant for modern life. This spiritual war continues, and the recent Supreme Court ruling on...
Scouting the Future
I was rummaging around in the future and found this Boy Scouts of America policy document, distributed in 2023. It was written for the large group of gay Boy Scout leaders who began entering the movement after the national organization ended its ban on gay leaders in 2017 . I believe you will find the following excerpts to be interesting. The Gay Boy Scout Leader’s Manual August, 2023 Edition Provided by the Gay Action Group (GAG) of the Boy Scouts of America Selected Excerpts: Introduction...
Truth Has Consequences: Where Have All the Fathers Gone?
We were recently introduced to a group of dedicated young women at KnowYourIX who are leading the movement to protect women on college campuses, and to punish men, either legally or administratively, who commit acts of violence and rape. I completely agree that men who commit rape should be punished, and I support those like KnowYourIX which are encouraging victims to come forward, and are working with universities and governments to insure that appropriate justice is meted out. There is...
Truth Has Consequences: Women and Men are Different
I’m beginning a series on common sense truths which are real, and which therefore have negative consequences when we ignore them or try to pretend that they don’t exist. The following is written with two assumptions in mind: The vast majority of women and men in the military do their jobs extremely well. Individual tours of duty can be very positive. In any large population of people, there are the ten percent at each end of the bell curve who significantly over- or under- perform everyone...