Most believers have experienced friends or family members who tell them “I used to be a Christian, until I studied the Bible.” Or some variation on the “I’m too intelligent to believe in a Mesopotamian myth” theme. I heard that again this week from a wonderful,...
Before reluctantly tackling this issue, let me stipulate three things. As a follower of Christ, I try to love and understand everyone, while also upholding the Truth. I believe that homosexual activity is wrong—for those who engage in it, I believe that it is a form...
I have written previously about Alexis de Tocqueville’s 1836 observation that America’s unique strength was how Judeo-Christian faith and values were woven deeply and inexorably into the multi-faceted quilt of our society. People might differ on the details of...
Is there no adult left in the Presidential race who can speak the truth even when it is unpopular? The Populist Left and Right have come together in their bashing of foreign trade—proposing tariffs and torn-up agreements to win “fairness” for the American worker and,...
Do you need some encouragement? As you look around the world today, despite your faith, do the forces for evil and deception seem too strong? On the world stage or in your personal life, do you feel almost alone in a particular battle, with only God (you pray) on...
If our nation were a building it would be time to break the glass on the alarm and pull the lever: We are in an emergency, and we need a fresh approach to produce REAL hope and change! I published the following post last May, and its conclusions are unfortunately only...
This post is a collection of reflections occasioned by seeing my old friend Katya Krausova in Washington next week (weather permitting). I met Katya in the fall of 1968 when she, as a member of the first group of Czechoslovak students allowed to travel to the West...
In our extended family we celebrate our similarities and differences on philosophical and policy matters by occasionally engaging in rounds of email discussions on a particular subject. Among us are liberals and conservatives, progressives and libertarians, believers...
As Christmas approaches, skeptics scoff. And even we believers are afraid to talk about the birth of our Savior because we might offend someone. So instead of God, it is Satan who rejoices. I have to ask: “Who would or could make up the story of Christ? Why would...
As Thanksgiving approaches I am focused on two aspects of this special day which are not always on the table with the turkey, mashed potatoes, pies and other delicious dishes. The first is Gratitude. I don’t see it much. Many of us appear to be worried, slightly...