If you were in a line of fast moving cars running in and out of fog and suddenly the fog parted and you could see that the bridge ahead had just collapsed, and that cars were falling into the deep canyon, would you continue to speed forward because you enjoy how your...
Ending 2014 with five personal thoughts on events that surprised me: Shortly after Memorial Day I attended a professional breakfast on current topics in commercial real estate. There were several hundred well dressed attendees, of all ages and both genders. The MC...
In the summer of 1969 at age twenty-two I attended a month-long Russian language school with other British university students, first in the center of Leningrad, and then at a “camp of organized rest” on the Finnish Gulf. We experienced the KGB-induced fear among the...
One of our children recently lamented how difficult it is in the current political climate to understand what really is “truth”, since all sides seem to claim it. He declared himself to be a post-modern when it comes to issues and candidates. That...
With all of the troubling news in the world today, i thought I’d try something a little lighter this time, and it’s good to be able to point to something new and positive. I think that we’re witnessing a rare moment of evolutionary random action that could lead...
Besides being Labor Day in the U.S., today is the 75th Anniversary of the start of World War II. Six years later, in 1945, over 60 million men, women and children had been horrifically killed by world powers, partisans, and their own governments. That works out to...
I don’t usually engage in “what if?”, but in this case the results are so striking that I have to do so. Daniel Greenfield has written a scathing critique of Presidents Obama and Putin at frontpagemag.com. I commend his analyis and conclusions to you. Here is his...
This short post is a thanks to KMPH-CA for its video report about “ObamaCare Having A Destructive Effect On ERs”. Where was this kind of common sense reporting when the “Health Law-That-Can-Be-Anything” was first concocted? If you increase...
Last weekend I attended a Marshall Scholar event in Washington. The Scholarship was establishd in 1954 by the British government as a thank you to the American people for the Marshall Plan after World War II. On Sunday I walked down to the World War II Memorial....
Continuing from my previous post: Why don’t progressives/statists/elitists see these enormous problems and costs which damage most of us and say, “You know, we’ve tried this for fifty years and it hasn’t worked. Let’s at least consider something else.”? The...