This year's extraordinary election is less than two months away. Like most Americans, I am not pleased with the choices we have before us. With all of the negative generalities coming from both sides, I decided to try to put on paper specifically what concerns me. I really am not looking to start an argument or to defend any candidate--please consider this to be a personal interim report, subject to change as more information becomes available in the coming weeks. Concerns I have about...
How Government Policy Impacts Our Lives
1968 and 2016: A Believer’s Perspectives
This is a very personal post, offering some perspectives to those who have been watching both political conventions, and who are led to worry that we live in an extraordinarily tough time. I attended the 1968 DNC in Chicago as a young, disenfranchised Challenge Delegate from Georgia, where the government was really only the Democratic Party, which, by the way, systematically disenfranchised Blacks all across the South and our state, while the Governor sold ax handles at his restaurant to...
I Hear Flapping
By definition, we are not supposed to be able to predict Black Swan events before they occur, but I hear a lot of flapping, and it’s getting louder. If you’re interested in the future of our economy, please read Mervyn King’s new book The End of Alchemy. Lord King was the Governor of the Bank of England from 2003 to 2013, and for an international policy maker at the highest level, he writes with refreshing clarity and candor about the 2008 Financial Crisis, as well as how to minimize the...
Fourth of July Dream: The Plea Bargain
I have a dream outcome for our Independence Day Celebration. In lieu of prosecution or jail time, Hillary Clinton and everyone on her staff who knew about her home-brew email server, or who funneled donations to the Clinton Foundation for government favors, will agree never to serve in a government position again. Think of the time, money and angst for the nation that this arrangement will save us. Democrats should like this plea bargain, because it removes quickly and cleanly the greatest...
Give the Restrooms a Rest
Before reluctantly tackling this issue, let me stipulate three things. As a follower of Christ, I try to love and understand everyone, while also upholding the Truth. I believe that homosexual activity is wrong—for those who engage in it, I believe that it is a form of bondage, like having an affair or being addicted to drugs, and is much less than God intended for us. We should therefore not encourage it and should protect our children from it. And, let me be clear that I am a sinner saved by...
Populist-Progressive Claptrap Creates a Moral Hazlitt
Is there no adult left in the Presidential race who can speak the truth even when it is unpopular? The Populist Left and Right have come together in their bashing of foreign trade—proposing tariffs and torn-up agreements to win “fairness” for the American worker and, supposedly, to raise wages. Are they crazy? Readers of this blog know how much I revere Henry Hazlitt and his short book, Economics in One Lesson. Please read it. Here is the key proposition from his first chapter: The art of...
We Need A Dream Team, Not A Demagogue
If our nation were a building it would be time to break the glass on the alarm and pull the lever: We are in an emergency, and we need a fresh approach to produce REAL hope and change! I published the following post last May, and its conclusions are unfortunately only more important today. When will our experienced, responsble conservative leaders stop their circular firing squad, which only opens the door to divisive, irresponsible demagoguery on both the left and the right? What if they...
Why Thanksgiving?
As Thanksgiving approaches I am focused on two aspects of this special day which are not always on the table with the turkey, mashed potatoes, pies and other delicious dishes. The first is Gratitude. I don’t see it much. Many of us appear to be worried, slightly angry, or downright upset about one or several issues in our personal or corporate lives. As I watched the recent demonstrations on elite university campuses, I had to ask, Do those young people have any gratitude at all for the...
Afraid of a Vote?
Is anyone else struck by how shamefully ironic it is that President Obama and the Democrats in the Senate wheedled around not even holding a vote on the Iran “deal” on the very Anniversary of the 9/11 Attack on our nation? That attack was led by Islamic terrorists, just like the ones Iran is going to fund with the billions of dollars we are about to give them. I'm not sure, but I don't think even Neville Chamberlain paid Hitler to build up the Nazi Army so that he could better attack Europe...
“Peace In Our Time”–With Lying, Deceitful Regimes?
The First of September has always interested me. It was on that day that World War II started. Last year, on the 75th Anniversary of that awful moment, I wrote a special post about it. This year I am struck by how, in Europe, World War II did not start with a surprise attack, like Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Instead, a madman running an evil regime slowly consolidated his national power while repeatedly telling the world exactly what he was going to do. But the world, and particularly his...