I was rummaging around in the future and found this Boy Scouts of America policy document, distributed in 2023. It was written for the large group of gay Boy Scout leaders who began entering the movement after the national organization ended its ban on gay leaders in...
A Better Idea For 2016: The Conservative Team That Will Win
Are you already as done with the 2016 Election Cycle as I am? Talking heads. He said-she said-he said. Attack ads. Scorched earth. All about “me”. Are we really going to spend more than a year with a large gaggle of seemingly qualified conservative leaders rearranging...
Russian Away–One Man’s Impression in Late 2014
In the summer of 1969 at age twenty-two I attended a month-long Russian language school with other British university students, first in the center of Leningrad, and then at a “camp of organized rest” on the Finnish Gulf. We experienced the KGB-induced fear among the...
An Alternate “State of the Union” Preamble
In recognition of President Obama's State of the Union address, I'd like to share with you the very different approach of President William Harrison in my novel, The President, written almost twenty years ago. Enjoy. State of the Union Preamble
Who or What Will Fill the Leadership Void in Our Nation?
As we approach the 237th anniversary of July 4, 1776, I have several disparate but related thoughts. We are a young nation. It seems impossible to me, but in just my sixty-six years I have lived through over one quarter of our nation’s history. If you trace back...
The Russians and Us
A recent event causes me to write again about a subject which I first posted on in September, 2010: The Russians and Us. Having lived and worked in Moscow on and off for twenty-two years, last month’s end to our Cathedrals in the Kremlincompany’s five year...
A Christmas Present for the Present and the Future
If you are looking for the perfect gift for anyone who wants to understand the Economics behind all that is going on today, from the fiscal cliff to Greece, I have it. Henry Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson in 1946, then updated in 1978. It reads like today’s...
Post Election Thoughts
Looking forward from the November election, I have these thoughts, by category. Spiritual It’s hard to imagine a better summary than Randy Alcorn’s article in his Eternal Perspectives Ministries current newsletter. He reminds us that we "vote" every day by our...
How Progressives Kill Jobs. You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.
In this and the next post we will examine two specific ways that our Progressive government destroys jobs by making our businesses more costly than their international competitors. Those added costs reduce profits, thereby decreasing investment and crippling new job...
Prohibition Created Criminals and Cost Tax Revenue. So Does The War on Drugs.
The effects of drugs and alcohol can be devastating. In an earlier post (May 18, 2011) we made the case for legalizing drugs as the least bad of all the bad options. If one could purchase drugs like one does alcohol, then all the crime and violence required to...