Here are three quick updates to earlier posts, with several hyperlinks to excellent resources. Progressives: What Does Abortion Have To Do With Economic Policy? The movie Unplanned is now available on streaming video and on DVD. Whatever your thoughts on the subject,...
Progressives: What Does Abortion Have To Do With Economic Policy?
I don’t get it. If you are a Progressive and want to argue for higher taxes, Medicare for all, student debt forgiveness, wealth redistribution, even socialism, though I probably won’t agree with you, let’s talk. But when you advocate for making it as easy as possible...
The Best One Thing We Can Do Right Now
If I’m a broken record on the War on Drugs, consider this post to be a 45, not a 33—it’s short, but not sweet. As I wrote last November in a detailed earlier post, the War on Drugs is pure insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different...
Tucker Carlson Ignites Debate on How to Strengthen Families
To start the New Year, Tucker Carlson led off his show on January 2nd with a fifteen minute monologue that sent other pundits of all political stripes scurrying to attack or to support him. If you missed the original show, you can see it here. It is well worth...
When the Law is Wrong
I don’t want to write this post. I’ve tried to avoid it for weeks. I wish the issue described here would go away and stop bothering me. You probably won’t like it. The solutions, once we even agree that there is actually a real problem, will be complicated. I describe...
War on Drugs Causes Insanity
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result, our nation is clearly insane. This month’s post may initially disturb some of my conservative friends. If it does, I ask you to read through to the finish. I am only seeking...
A 27 Year Old’s Greater Wisdom
In one of God’s “thin threads” of unexpected connections, I just finished a book about an American hero whom I did not know just a few weeks ago. And yet her life has immediate implications for my current thoughts and actions. The book is The Appalling Strangeness of...
Irrational Belief Trumps Reason in an Unlikely Source
Bill Gates calls Steven Pinker’s new book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress, “My new favorite book of all time.” Pinker’s work is a 453 page, incredibly well researched tour de force on every aspect of life across the globe since...
Amazing Love that Healed a Wretch Like Me
We are blessed to have five grown children who, with their spouses, shine brightly--first as people, and then in the areas where they have focused their gifts and talents. Our oldest son, Parker, is a doctor in Austin, and he has written a moving opinion piece in The...
Reject Passivity
This post is dedicated to Colonel Jim Harper of Men’s Fraternity, who first spoke those two words to me. I am disturbed by how we are becoming a Nation of Lemmings. You know, the little creatures who unthinkingly follow the crowd wherever it is going, even if the...