This week in August marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of two events in the tumultuous year of 1968 which had a lasting impact on my life: The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia on August 21st, and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 26th. I had...
Should I Model Jesus or Darwin?
As many of you know, I recently spent several days in London with a group of wonderful Believers who are originally from Nigeria, at an event for Joshua's Army. We were joined by a pastor from Lagos, Nigeria, and by a pastor in the Nigerian community in London, both...
Last Folio
This post is a collection of reflections occasioned by seeing my old friend Katya Krausova in Washington next week (weather permitting). I met Katya in the fall of 1968 when she, as a member of the first group of Czechoslovak students allowed to travel to the West...
Why Thanksgiving?
As Thanksgiving approaches I am focused on two aspects of this special day which are not always on the table with the turkey, mashed potatoes, pies and other delicious dishes. The first is Gratitude. I don’t see it much. Many of us appear to be worried, slightly...
A Word is Sometimes Worth A Thousand Family Pictures
A parent’s words and actions—particularly those of the father—have much more impact on children than we appreciate. Everyday conversations can be life changing. The message to us as parents: Handle with thought and care, and be engaged. Elsewhere I have discussed...
Afraid of a Vote?
Is anyone else struck by how shamefully ironic it is that President Obama and the Democrats in the Senate wheedled around not even holding a vote on the Iran “deal” on the very Anniversary of the 9/11 Attack on our nation? That attack was led by Islamic terrorists,...
“Peace In Our Time”–With Lying, Deceitful Regimes?
The First of September has always interested me. It was on that day that World War II started. Last year, on the 75th Anniversary of that awful moment, I wrote a special post about it. This year I am struck by how, in Europe, World War II did not start with a...
Daddy, Y Are We Hunting for Eggs?
Last Saturday we made our usual afternoon trip to the local Y to work out. Outside the front door was a large inflatable bunny and a sign inviting us to the Eggsplosion Egg Hunt, which we had apparently just missed. Some young children were leaving with their...
Russian Away–One Man’s Impression in Late 2014
In the summer of 1969 at age twenty-two I attended a month-long Russian language school with other British university students, first in the center of Leningrad, and then at a “camp of organized rest” on the Finnish Gulf. We experienced the KGB-induced fear among the...
The Truths Behind Why I will vote for a Libertarian or a Conservative
One of our children recently lamented how difficult it is in the current political climate to understand what really is "truth", since all sides seem to claim it. He declared himself to be a post-modern when it comes to issues and candidates. That conclusion troubled...