How Government Policy Impacts Our Lives

Looking for Truthful Leaders

Looking for Truthful Leaders

How does a nation prosper, or even survive, when its leaders are delusional, seeming to believe things that are clearly not true, and then basing policies and actions on these delusions? Merriam-Webster defines delusion as “a belief that is not true: a false idea.”  In other words, a lie. Believing in and acting as if lies are true will always lead to disaster. Truths are what we need. Simple truths, which, as Albert Barnes pointed out, make their own way without needing extra fanfare or fancy...

The Route Cause

The Route Cause

I dislike that the Biden Administration is “pivoting” away from the disaster which was and is our Afghanistan withdrawl, killing our service members and Afghan children, and leaving behind tens of thousands who helped and counted on us. My preference would be that every press briefing be required to start with the latest on what we’re doing to help them. But clearly that’s not going to happen. So from the delusional mantra that the Afghan withdrawal was a great success, we’ll turn to the...

The Taliban is Biden Its Time

The Taliban is Biden Its Time

We are living through an unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan. We created it, and we should all be repulsed and ashamed. And by “we”, I mean all of us. The disaster is worth examining on at least three levels. At the lowest level, on the ground in Central Asia, can anyone imagine a more incompetent, ill-planned, stupid, deadly withdrawal than ordered and presided over by President Biden and his entire senior team, both civilian and military? Everything about it was backwards and defies common...

Three Quick Summer Fixes

Three Quick Summer Fixes

I expected to be on a short break this summer, but given our current national conversations, I have to write just a few words about how we can fix three very big issues with three very simple steps. Problem #1: A crush of mostly Latin American illegal immigrants, splitting up their families, trekking long, dangerous distances, and paying gang-related criminals to deposit them into the arms of our Border Patrol, which will then in all likelihood feed, clothe and house them, all at enormous cost...

The Truth Will Set You Free–Lies Will Enslave You

The Truth Will Set You Free–Lies Will Enslave You

I am very concerned about finding and acting on the Truth, as any reader of my recent posts will attest. As a student of Russian History who made my first visit to Leningrad in 1969 at the age of 22, I have always been aware of how the Soviet State bent “truth” to suit its needs. From big lies, like portraying their one-party, top-down, controlled elections as “democracy”, to the small lie that prices in their economy had anything to do with real costs or demand—all were fabrications to help...

History 2021

History 2021

I wrote the original version of the following story almost twenty years ago, as the second chapter in an anthology of short stories, Ten Lies and Ten Truths. I have rewritten parts of the story this week, to capture the new realities of History 2021 A Story Harrison Gillies sat alone in the teacher's lounge of a prestigious New England private high school grading English essays. Paintings donated by the Art Department, an oriental rug, and a couple of decades' accumulation of furniture lifted...

Pairsing The Truth

Pairsing The Truth

One of my favorite sayings about Truth is: “Truth is simple, and delights in simple statements. It expects to make its way by its own intrinsic force, and is willing to pass for what it is worth.  Error is noisy and declamatory, and hopes to succeed by substituting sound for sense, and by such tones and arts as shall induce men to believe that what is said is true, when it is known by the speaker to be false.” Albert Barnes‘ New Testament Notes Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia...

Should America Be A Meritocracy? Yes, but…

Should America Be A Meritocracy? Yes, but…

I initially watched with alarm the process through which President-elect Biden filled his Cabinet and Executive Branch nominations. A key criterion for selection appeared to be one’s skin color, gender or sexual orientation, not experience, ability or past performance in a related role. As a conservative, my default position on such matters has always been that America is a meritocracy, and that all forms of advancement and selection should be based on skill, performance, facts and...

Georgia On Our Minds

Georgia On Our Minds

As most of you know, I’m a Conservative-Libertarian Christian who happens to live in the current national-focus state of Georgia. I dislike the way the Democratic Party, the Progressive Elite, The FBI/DOJ, and the Main Stream Media (MSM) hounded President Trump from before his 2016 election all the way through his Presidency and finally into these elections. It was despicable behavior, and I hope that we get to the bottom of it through Senate hearings and internal DOJ investigations. We must...

A Warning

A Warning

This post is a warning which we should take seriously. George Floyd died on May 25th in Minneapolis. In the ensuing three months we have witnessed demonstrations, peaceful protests, violent riots, the destruction of urban centers, the rise of Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other militant groups, mob rule, corporate mea culpas for social injustice, vigilantes, and politicians stating that America is actually not the world’s greatest experiment in personal freedom but instead is the worst of...


"TEN LIES AND TEN TRUTHS" - 2nd edition. Please tell us where to send your book.

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